标题: 而遗留北美一战齐思玲 少量狗,多为增加频率 [打印本页] 作者: 米陌 时间: 2011-2-17 10:28 标题: 而遗留北美一战齐思玲 少量狗,多为增加频率 JJ 北美一战740(Q50V40)均为新高。先发狗,再有些杂谈 AA:大家可以考一下古,本月机经我看了没有,我试着英文写写啊。人名地名随便写的 Person A runs a restaurant in a small college town of Callon, which contains a university of lots f college students. The business is very successful because the spicy Pita sandwich is popular. Person A decides to open three new Pita restaurants in nearby cities and towns and assigns three employees in the existing business as managers of the new restaurants. Because the three employees have been trained in the business since the start of the business, Person A will expect that the opening of new restaurants will triple current profits. AI:People have duties to disobey laws if they consider unjust Math:我机经没看全。所以有的题麻烦整理了,不知道机经里有没有 (1)与23.类似(只是把条件改为与y=-x)相交。 (2.) JJ 25.完全一样,选1350.
【3】补全JJ27, arithmetic is 10 less than algebra, there are half as many geometic asalgebra.Total:60 (注意题意表明geo是algebra的一半,我当时不确定,然后全算过,另一种没答案) Answer: arithmetic 18,geometic 14 algebra 28