Why are you so negative. It also affects your own health...作者: onlyloss 时间: 2011-2-15 11:15
我觉得这个就是问缺点 大方承认就好了 同时给出你tackle这个缺点的计划和决心 我觉得这样非但不会给你减分 而且会给adcom留下你成熟和真诚的印象作者: JonFrank 时间: 2011-2-16 03:04
Hey there! Don’t be thrown off by this question—really they are just asking what your weaknesses are, that’s all. So if you don’t have much international background, that might be a risk. That you have trouble fitting in, or making friends. If you don’t have much financial exposure, then that might be a risk. That you might have trouble in those classes. Of course, at the end of this essay, you will want to address the fact that while these are risks, they are not HUGE risks. Tell us how you will mitigate EACH of these risks, or weaknesses, in the essay. And then, you will be in great shape. Good luck!