carlson的人这么狡猾哦。。。作者: wyqmg2011 时间: 2011-2-13 23:31
老美果然很会打酱油。。。看来最近要补充一点中美关系问题了。作者: windmaple 时间: 2011-2-14 00:14
It's a stupid thing to do.作者: didai1314 时间: 2011-2-14 08:12
你别搞得向死念稿就行作者: csbowow 时间: 2011-2-14 09:29
It'll be so obvious if you read or memorize a script. Even more so if you're not a native English speaker.
Just try to exercise the stories you're trying to convey in your head or in mock interviews.
It's like basketball. When you practice alone, you practice shots, lay ups and dribbling repetitively. Once you do that, those moves will naturally come out when you play the real game, in which conditions are more unpredictable. If you just try to repeat those moves like a robot, you'll end up making yourself look like a clown.作者: 沙隆巴斯 时间: 2011-2-14 09:32