
标题: 求助Though subject to the same wild-animal control efforts that [打印本页]

作者: 缺氧    时间: 2011-2-6 03:23
标题: 求助Though subject to the same wild-animal control efforts that
Though subject to the same wild-animal control efforts that killed off almost all the wolves in North America over the past century, the coyote's amazing ability of adapting to the presence of humans has enabled it to expand its range into Alaska and Central America.

coyote's amazing ability of adapting to the presence of humans has enabled it to expand its

B.coyote, because of its amazing ability of adapting to the presence of humans, have been able to expand their

C.coyote, because of its amazing ability to adapt to the presence of humans, has been able to expand its

D.amazing ability of the coyote to adapt to the presence of humans have enabled it to expand the
E.amazing ability of the coyote to adapt to the presence of humans has enabled it to expand the

作者: k51    时间: 2011-2-6 16:19
作者: kaji29    时间: 2011-2-6 16:27
E错在这句话的主语应该是 coyote 也就是一种动物 而不是一种ability
第一句的意思是 在过去的一世纪虽然受到了那种使得大部分北美洲的狼都死亡的动物控制办法的影响,COYOTE还是利用自己强大的适应人类存在的能力使自己的生存领域扩大到了XX
作者: barbiebear    时间: 2011-2-6 17:50
主句主语必须是 coyote,  因为从句为though引导的让步壮语从句,省略了主语+be,  主语如果是 ability , 不合逻辑。
作者: lala974    时间: 2011-8-7 23:37
谁能解释下这because of用法对么?
作者: lzllfz    时间: 2011-10-20 12:04
because of 后面必须直接是名词或代词 不能是doing or SVO(句子)

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