标题: manhattan SC的两句话听的很费解,请大家帮忙解释下 [打印本页] 作者: ronandylon 时间: 2011-1-1 11:13 标题: manhattan SC的两句话听的很费解,请大家帮忙解释下 251页讲不定式的地方。Moreover, you never modify an infinitive as you would modify a noun(that is, with adjectives and articles). You should never say"the quick to run". Rather, you used adverbs: to run quickly. 什么是you never modify an infinitive as you would modify a noun(that is, with adjectives and articles).? 上一页刚刚给了一个正确的例子: The person to meet is here. 很费解,请大家帮忙解释下作者: sdcar2010 时间: 2011-1-1 11:23
adjectives: quick, slow, big, small articles: a, an, the
never modify an infinitive as you would modify a noun(that is, with adjectives and articles) It means that do not modify an infinitive with adjectives and articles, since these modifiers can only modify a noun.
Allowed: a quick run; a slow run; the big run; the small run. Not allowed: a quick to run; a slow to run; the big to run, the small to run.
In this example: The person to meet is here "The person" does not modify "to meet". Rather, to meet modifies the person.作者: fliesty 时间: 2011-1-1 22:51
不能像修饰名词一样(即,加形容词和冠词)来修饰不定式作者: wudiyeah 时间: 2011-1-3 15:04
一般修饰名词就是 the adj+n 但是修饰不定式不能像修饰名词一样用冠词+形容词来修饰 the adj+to do 错