
标题: 请教~主谓一致 [打印本页]

作者: wls524    时间: 2010-12-23 06:02
标题: 请教~主谓一致
Through the years, the exquisitely subtle flavors and superb richness of Kenyan coffee has attracted an international following of discerning consumers.
(A) the exquisitely subtle flavors and superb richness of Kenyan coffee has
(B) the coffee of Kenya, with its exquisitely subtle and superbly rich flavors, have
(C) the exquisitely subtle, superbly rich flavors of Kenyan coffee are what has
(D) Kenyan coffee’s superb richness and exquisite subtlety of flavor has
(E) the exquisitely subtle flavors and superb richness of Kenyan coffee have

The increased popularity and availability of televisions has led to the decline of regional dialects, language variations which originate from diverse ethnic and cultural heritages and perpetuated by geographic isolation.
作者: wls524    时间: 2010-12-23 06:04
为何 the incresed popularity and availability of telvesions has led to...用单数,
而该题为何选E, 用复数
作者: piacia    时间: 2010-12-23 07:22
额。。瞎猜一下。。popularity 和availability都是单数。。flavors包含了复数。。求NN拍砖
作者: wls524    时间: 2010-12-24 09:39
作者: Lacus    时间: 2010-12-24 11:08
A:主语是a and b,复数,不能和has搭配
作者: wls524    时间: 2010-12-29 05:21
为何 the incresed popularity and availability of telvesions has led to...用单数,
而该题为何选E, 用复数

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