19. Informed people generally assimilate information from several divergent sources before coming to an opinion. However, most popular news organizations view foreign affairs solely through the eyes of our State Department. In reporting the political crisis in foreign country B, news organizations must endeavor to find alternative sources of information.
Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the argument above?
(A) To the degree that a news source gives an account of another country that mirrors that of our State Department, that reporting is suspect.
(B) To protect their integrity, news media should avoid the influence of State Department releases in their coverage of foreign affairs.
(C) Reporting that is not influenced by the State Department is usually more accurate than are other accounts.
(D) The alternative sources of information mentioned in the passage would probably not share the same views as the State Department.
(E) A report cannot be seen as influenced by the State Department if it accurately depicts the events in a foreign country.
answer:d .why?
20. A light bulb company produces 2,000 light bulbs per week. The manager wants to ensure that standards of quality remain constant from week to week. The manager, therefore, claims that out of 2,000 light bulbs produced per week, 500 light bulbs are rejected.
Of the following, the best criticism of the manager’s plan is that the plan assumes that
(A) light bulb manufacturers cannot accept all light bulbs that produced
(B) the overall quality of the light bulbs would not be improved if the total number of light bulbs produced were reduced
(C) each light bulb that is reviewed is worthy of being reviewed
(D) it is difficult to judge the quality of a light bulb
(E) the 1,500 light bulbs that are accepted will be of the same quality from week to week
1.not share the same 满足文中的divergent
2.文章未涉及the total number of light bulbs produced were reduced,improved 假设要服从原文
第20题,company’s total number of light bulbs proudced不是2000吗,他现在说做2000,500reject,那不是total number reduce,有符合原文,不是吗
19,assimilate information from several divergent sources before coming to an opinion.
最后的结论又是news organizations must endeavor to find alternative sources of information.
原文就是是说要从几个不同的来源得到消息才会比较客观,那么这个新得到的消息当然与our State Department的看法有所不同咯,否则这个新得到的消息还又什么用呢
and can someone help me the no.20
19,assimilate information from several divergent sources before coming to an opinion.
最后的结论又是news organizations must endeavor to find alternative sources of information.
原文就是是说要从几个不同的来源得到消息才会比较客观,那么这个新得到的消息当然与our State Department的看法有所不同咯,否则这个新得到的消息还又什么用呢
炒蛋兄,这个观点我不敢苟同。我也留意到了divergent,alternative这两个单词。但是,它们都是指明,针对的是sources。也就是说,文中只强调了要从不同的来源来获取信息,但是对不同来源是否有可能获得相同信息,只字未提。比如说,新闻机构的确从State Department之外的来源获得了信息,但是这个信息却碰巧和State Department所提供的别无二致。这一点不与原文任何地方抵触。也就是说,从原文,无法推出D选项。
炒蛋兄,这个观点我不敢苟同。我也留意到了divergent,alternative这两个单词。但是,它们都是指明,针对的是sources。也就是说,文中只强调了要从不同的来源来获取信息,但是对不同来源是否有可能获得相同信息,只字未提。比如说,新闻机构的确从State Department之外的来源获得了信息,但是这个信息却碰巧和State Department所提供的别无二致。这一点不与原文任何地方抵触。也就是说,从原文,无法推出D选项。
本題的思路: 要保持客觀應該有不同訊息來源 --> 大部分新聞機構在報導國際新聞的時候都採用本國政府機關的觀點 --> 為了保持對B國政治危機報導的客觀性, 新聞機構應該努力尋找不同的訊息來源
假如, 找到的不同訊息來源跟本國觀點不謀而合, 證明大家看法一致, 這並不影響其客觀性; 反而為了"客觀"而特意去尋找"不一樣"的觀點, 那才變得不客觀了吧?
請大家指點...另外我選的是B, 不知道哪裡出了差?
For I-19:
What's the purpose for media to find divergent sources? We can infer that different sources might have different view on one issue. If everytime different source will show the same opinion with government, it would be meaningless to find the divergent/alternative/different sources.
Try to understand the tone used in D: "would probably not share the same view", it didn't say "denfinitely will have different view".
If you selected B, you used outside knowledge. The qustion didn't mention that State Department will try to release false information in foreign affairs. Even someone (say source A) has different view on certain affairs with State Department, it doesn't mean either source A or State Department is questionable in it's integrity. Integrity does not eaqul to Truth. If I follow State Department's opinion on one thing, and it turn out that the opinion is biased, do you think my integrity has been jeopardised? Maybe because my trust in State Department, I was fooled by them.
第20题,company’s total number of light bulbs proudced不是2000吗,他现在说做2000,500reject,那不是total number reduce,有符合原文,不是吗
the overall quality of the light bulbs would not be improved if the total number of light bulbs produced were not reduced
Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the argument above?
(A) To the degree that a news source gives an account of another country that mirrors that of our State Department, that reporting is suspect.
(B) To protect their integrity, news media should avoid the influence of State Department releases in their coverage of foreign affairs.
(C) Reporting that is not influenced by the State Department is usually more accurate than are other accounts.
(D) The alternative sources of information mentioned in the passage would probably not share the same views as the State Department.
(E) A report cannot be seen as influenced by the State Department if it accurately depicts the events in a foreign country.
文章说最后一句的意思包含:alternative resource 是必要条件。
结合这两句话:这个alternative resource很可能就是包含着与State Depar.的不同的信息。
(A提到的是political crisis和foreign affair,an account of another country ,文中未提到,无关。
(B) Integrity无关排除
(C) more accurate无干。
(D) 文中提到的其他信息来源视角将和我们国家部门的视角不同。为什么作者认为应当尽力去寻找替代的信息来源呢,因为人接受信息一般是从几个有分歧的,不同的信息来源,显然,如果其他的替代信息来源和我们国家部门的视角一样的话,显然人们也不会接受信息的。
第20题,company’s total number of light bulbs proudced不是2000吗,他现在说做2000,500reject,那不是total number reduce,有符合原文,不是吗
Total NO.是没有减少的。因为它的Total NO。就是2000,只是被接受的只有1500
bigp 发表于 2005-1-9 09:14
以下是引用番茄炒蛋在2004-5-16 22:42:00的发言:19,assimilate information from several divergent sour ...
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