最后他说有一个即兴演讲,题目是:GDP of UK is 0.8% from Sept to now, standard and poor raises UK’s level from AAA xx to stable. Comment whether it is good timing to invest in UK. Refer to your own industry. 很客气的问我要不要纸,我心想要讲多少啊,还是要了。他离开了5分钟让我准备。Present时我罗列了5,6条理由,全部讲完后,他说 no problem.
我的总体体会是,essay一定要把故事讲得丰富些,工作上的,国外经历(若有),工作外的,不要太乏味了,让人看到多面吧。面试要自然些,表达的顺畅些,自信些。作者: ddwantsmba 时间: 2010-12-16 17:29
chemical industry 读完了LBS能干嘛?作者: 叶芳菲 时间: 2010-12-16 17:44