第四篇 2.1.3大脑自动修复神经元那篇。 3段,有点长,但是比起 1.1.2 财政赤字和通货膨胀关系那篇又短了很多。。这篇没什么可补充的,原JJ已经差不多了,有3道题,有analogy那题。其他两个题一个是must be true题,一个是细节定位题··但是都记不大清楚了··sorry``
逻辑JJ: 1、有一道GWD还是PREP的原题,所以记得比较清楚:
某国estate revenue(不太确定是不是estate的,但是肯定是某个行业的revenue)在last four years逐渐下降,而tax又是跟estate revenue是挂钩的(也就是说estate revenue增,那么tax就增,estate revenue减,那么tax减),又已知该国总revenue在最近四年也下降,问以下哪个must be true?
issue是:Because violence has been commercially successful in movie,television, and other media, the media(还是企业家?忘了)should corperate more violent material in the businuess. To what extent do you agree with this one?
是原题吗? 求确认作者: rx_11 时间: 2010-12-8 14:14
11L 确认!!!very very very very sure !作者: alanyao 时间: 2010-12-8 14:32
多谢lz作者: grogr 时间: 2010-12-8 19:56
T 7-38 The total market value of real estate in Altonville has steadily declined over the past four years. This decline has meant that the overall figure on which the city’s property tax is based—the assessed value of that real estate—has also declined. Moreover, the percentage of assessed value that was paid as property taxes to the city did not change during this period. The information above most strongly supports which of the following? A. Money collected from property taxes provided most of Altonville’s revenue during the past four years. B. The percentage of Altonville’s overall revenue that was collected from property taxes did not change over the past four years. C. Altonville officials had proposed raising property tax rates during the past four years but never did so because of strong opposition from property owners. D. The total amount of revenue that Altonville has collected from property taxes has declined over the past four years. E. During the past four years, Altonville officials also did not increase tax rates on other sources of revenue such as retail sales or business profits. OA: D作者: rx_11 时间: 2010-12-8 22:13
14L...对···就是这个!!!我也选的D···原题···选项什么的都没有变作者: Ttian0925 时间: 2010-12-8 22:16
LZ啊 我也碰到了这题 已知K小于1000,且k,k/4,k/5是integer,问K最大是多少? A。 250 B。200 C。50 D。好像是20几 E。好像是10几