敢问如果大学不是这个专业,读研是不是要修本科很多学分啊?很辛苦吗?多谢!!作者: chase99 时间: 2013-1-8 04:22
accounting is not an easy major to study in US. Well, go back to the main question. I suggest Math and Computer Science.作者: qilu8989 时间: 2013-1-14 18:29
coding,很实用,也容易留下来,不过LIFE STYLE就很BORING了。作者: boshu2007 时间: 2013-3-22 12:13
Yes, most of them become a coder/developer/qa/pm.
But people with Bachelor in Business/Fin/Mkt and MS in IT or CS could easily find data analysis/ BI analyst job.
I also see MSF student entered big financial service company with undergraduate major CS.
If you have a IT and Business combined bcg, you get big advantage.作者: boshu2007 时间: 2013-3-22 12:19
Not necessary boring, depends on company, depends on project. Big thing is coder here usually doesn't suffer as much over time work load as those at Indian and China.作者: pumpkin 时间: 2013-3-26 14:09
SQL 本身不难,用得好需要去CS专业修一门 Database System的课,然后写query就会茅塞顿开。我是MSF转IT然后工作做business DATA ANALYSIS作者: pumpkin 时间: 2013-3-27 22:43
LS正解。话说 business data analysis真的是很有用,公司里面基本上上每个组都需要这样的人呢。