
标题: 求比较 [打印本页]

作者: ELLEELLA    时间: 2010-12-1 17:54
标题: 求比较
本人小本,现在有两个offer,一个Deloitte Consulting,具体会作financial management line,另一个EY的TAS-TI(transaction advisory service-transaction integration),做commercial due diligence和pre/post deal integration的。我想在咨询做下去的,想知道这两个申请一线mba哪个更容易,然后长远哪个更有发展空间。求高人指教。
作者: Duro    时间: 2010-12-1 19:05
wow, both are good offers. personally, i think it's better to go to deloitte consulting, as it's the only one in the big4 that still focus on consulting
作者: ELLEELLA    时间: 2010-12-1 19:54
thanks, it is really a tough call to pick one, i love EY team, a lot of emotional things i guess
作者: ELLEELLA    时间: 2010-12-1 19:56
BTW,I have been an intern in TAS of EY.
作者: 竹君    时间: 2010-12-3 21:58
个人建议dtt 全球来看他做的比较好 环境也舒适 当然国内我比较喜欢他在上海的那幢楼
作者: gavinliu1982    时间: 2010-12-3 23:57
本人小本,现在有两个offer,一个Deloitte Consulting,具体会作financial management line,另一个EY的TAS-TI(transaction advisory service-transaction integration),做commercial due diligence和pre/post deal integration的。我想在咨询做下去的,想知道这两个申请一线mba哪个更容易,然后长远哪个更有发展空间。求高人指教。
-- by 会员 ELLEELLA (2010/12/1 17:54:38)


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