Calculate and list only one figure: your GPA/average score for the entire period of study. Please do not interpret grading scales by attempting to convert your school or country’s system into the US 4.0 scale. Report your average score using the scale utilized at your school(s).
For traditional British-style system (e.g., UK, India, Pakistan), list final classification of honors conferred. For schools on numerical or percentage systems (other than the 4.0 scale) in which no final comprehensive examination is required, please calculate and list an overall average for the entire period of study. For systems in which a comprehensive examination determines the final grade (e.g., Germany, Switzerland), list final examination average. For other non-numeric systems, (e.g., Spain or Spanish-style systems), enter "NA."作者: YLC1000 时间: 2010-12-1 00:12
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: charlesy 时间: 2010-12-1 00:42
不明白,假如你的成绩单上表明的最后成绩本身就是4.0 scale的那就不用再计算了,假如不是,那按HAAS的要求也最好不要计算了,是多少就填多少,学校应该会看成绩单的. 这个问题,大家都不敢回答,因为都不是HAAS AdComm的. 其实,你自己心里已经有个想法了,只是想求证一下,对吗? That's the consulting business...作者: YLC1000 时间: 2010-12-1 12:43
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