B不是不对,也有这个可能,但跟C比起来,C明显更好更直接,呼应了题干中的“Maize contains the vitamin niacin, but not in a form the body can absorb”,如果题干中写的是"Maize contains the vitamin niacin, but not in that grown from soil condition of majority of European farmlands",可能B就更好了,个人看法。
-- by 会员 cc621josh (2010/11/25 16:08:26)
B不是不对,也有这个可能,但跟C比起来,C明显更好更直接,呼应了题干中的“Maize contains the vitamin niacin, but not in a form the body can absorb”,如果题干中写的是"Maize contains the vitamin niacin, but not in that grown from soil condition of majority of European farmlands",可能B就更好了,个人看法。
-- by 会员 cc621josh (2010/11/25 16:08:26)
3KS 我回头看了看 你不感觉C中没有提到题干中的 European 么?这样很有可能导致C很片面的阐述问题
-- by 会员 larryywddd (2010/11/25 16:30:48)