
标题: LSAT 逻辑游戏题(4) [打印本页]

作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-11-13 21:13
标题: LSAT 逻辑游戏题(4)
On Wednesday, a legislator remembers that she must vote on seven bills-defense, environment, free trade, gun control, health care, immigration, and judicial activism-by the end of the week. Because the legislator wants to align herself with a major political party, she will vote on the seven bills in accordance with the following conditions:
She votes for the gun control bill only if she votes against the environment bill.
Unless she votes against the judicial activism bill, she will vote for the immigration bill.
She will vote for either the environment bill, the judicial activism bill, or both.
She votes for the gun control bill if she votes for both the health care bill and the defense bill.

1. Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the bills the legislator votes against?

(A) free trade, gun control, immigration, judicial activism
(B) defense, free trade, gun control, health care, immigration
(C) free trade, health care, immigration, judicial activism
(D) environment, gun control, health care, judicial activism
(E) defense, environment, gun control, health care

2. If the legislator votes against the judicial activism bill, then which one of the following CANNOT be true?

(A) She votes against both the defense bill and the gun control bill.
(B) She votes against both the gun control bill and the health care bill.
(C) She votes for both the health care bill and the defense bill.
(D) She votes for both the health care bill and the environment bill.
(E) She votes for both the environment bill and the free trade bill.

3. Which one of the following CANNOT be true?

(A) The legislator votes for neither the gun control bill nor the immigration bill.
(B) The legislator votes for neither the environment bill nor the immigration bill.
(C) The legislator votes for neither the gun control bill nor the health care bill.
(D) The legislator votes for neither the health care bill nor the free trade bill.
(E) The legislator votes for neither the free trade bill nor the immigration bill.

4. If the legislator votes against the immigration bill, then which one of the following is the minimum number of the seven bills she must also vote against?

(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four
(E) five

5. If the legislator votes for the gun control bill, then which one of the following must be true?

(A) She votes for the health care bill or the defense bill.
(B) She votes against the health care bill or the defense bill.
(C) She votes against the judicial activism bill.
(D) She votes for the immigration bill.
(E) She votes against the immigration bill.

6. If the legislator votes against the judicial activism bill, then each of the following could be true EXCEPT:

(A) She votes against the health care bill and the defense bill.
(B) She votes for the health care bill and the defense bill.
(C) She votes against the health care bill and the gun control bill.
(D) She votes against the free trade bill and the gun control bill.
(E) She votes for the environment bill and the free trade bill.

7. Suppose the condition is added that if the legislator votes for the free trade bill, then she will vote against the judicial activism bill. If all other conditions remain in effect, then each of the following must be true EXCEPT:

(A) If she votes for the free trade bill, then she votes against the gun control bill.
(B) If she votes against the environment bill, then she also votes against the free trade bill.
(C) If she votes against the immigration bill, then she votes for the free trade bill.
(D) If she votes against the judicial activism bill, then she also votes against the gun control bill.
(E) If she votes against the immigration bill, then she also votes against at least three other bills.
作者: 梦离ouzi    时间: 2010-11-14 09:49
怎么这么难= =头快爆炸了。
作者: 梦离ouzi    时间: 2010-11-14 10:02
1.B 2.C 4.B?.。。真的不想再算了= =
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-11-14 11:16
LS, two of your answers are right!
作者: 梦离ouzi    时间: 2010-11-14 13:17
今天都在复习gmat。。然后头疼。。就逛CD.看到你这个头更疼了。。还我得吃药了。。然后又去看什么脑筋急转弯什么的。。哇。。头爆炸了。。LZ逻辑知识很高,求帮助!Are you in the US?
作者: m1yang    时间: 2010-11-18 00:05
B,C,A,A,A,B,E 我尽全力了...
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-11-18 00:52
B,C,A,A,A,B,E 我尽全力了...
-- by 会员 m1yang (2010/11/18 0:05:23)

Nice try.  Thank you for playing!
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-11-18 00:53
The answers are:

1. E
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. C
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-11-18 00:58
It seems that players for this game had problem for question 1.  It asks what is a correct list she vote AGAINST.
作者: taoransk    时间: 2010-12-5 16:13
Not sure if these are correct but, seems not working for me -.-

7 bills: DEFGHIJ
-- G(O)-->E(X) ==> E(O)-->G(X) ==> G(O)-->E(X)-->J(O)-->I(X)          
-- I(O)-->J(X) ==> J(O)-->I(X) ==> I(O)-->J(X)-->E(O)-->G(X)-->H/D(X)
-- Must have E/J/(E&J) ==> E(X)-->J(O) ==> E(X)-->J(O)-->I(X)
                          J(X)-->E(O) ==> J(X)-->E(O)-->G(X)-->H/D(X)
-- H&D(O)-->G(O) ==> G(X)==>H/D(X)

G(O)-->I&E(X)        ==> I/E(O)-->G(X)
I(O)-->J&G(X)+H/D(X) ==> J/G/(H&D)(O)-->I(X)
作者: tingwutina    时间: 2011-1-3 09:49
sacar, I think that the answers to No。1和 no.7 are opposite. My answer is
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. E
for No.1 She votes for the gun control bill only if she votes against the environment bill.  That means she cannot  vote for neither gun control nor environmental . E cannot be the correct answer.
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2011-1-3 10:01
sacar, I think that the answers to No。1和 no.7 are opposite. My answer is
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. E
for No.1 She votes for the gun control bill only if she votes against the environment bill.  That means she cannot  vote for neither gun control nor environmental . E cannot be the correct answer.
-- by 会员 tingwutina (2011/1/3 9:49:18)

She votes for the gun control bill only if she votes against the environment bill.

The phrase "only if" introduces a necessary condition.

If she votes for the gun control bill, then she votes against the environment bill.   For gun control --> Against environ.
The contrapositive would be: If she votes for the environment bill, then she votes against the gun control bill.  For environ --> Against gun control

Obviously, voting FOR both gun control and environment bills is forbidden.

However, she CAN vote AGAINST both gun control bill and environment bill at the same time. To put it another way, there is no trigger for the logic chain of either
Against gun control bill --> ?? or Against environment bill --> ??. These two AGAINST conditions are not mutually exclusive.
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2011-1-3 10:07
Choice E in question (1) is against the following restriction:
She votes for the gun control bill if she votes for both the health care bill and the defense bill.

Gun control bill has to be in the against list if both health care bill and defense bill are therein.
作者: baileys2010    时间: 2011-1-14 15:46
about the 5th question.

1.if she votes for immigration law, means she is voting  against J.

2.Since voting for G means voting against E.

1+2 means, she votes against both E and J. which against she has to vote for E or J or both.

the correct answer is E.
she votes for G means against E. since either E or J. means she has to vote for J means she has to vote against I.
作者: baileys2010    时间: 2011-1-14 15:52
question 4.

what about just voting against E and I? vote for DFGHJ?
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2011-1-14 22:28
about the 5th question.

1.if she votes for immigration law, means she is voting  against J.

2.Since voting for G means voting against E.

1+2 means, she votes against both E and J. which against she has to vote for E or J or both.

the correct answer is E.
she votes for G means against E. since either E or J. means she has to vote for J means she has to vote against I.
-- by 会员 baileys2010 (2011/1/14 15:46:15)

You misunderstood the following condition:
Unless she votes against the judicial activism bill, she will vote for the immigration bill.

The above statement equals "if J, then I; if NOT I, then NOT J"

Think about it.  It is very important you become familiar with the UNLESS/WITHOUT clauses in logic games.

作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2011-1-14 22:29
question 4.

what about just voting against E and I? vote for DFGHJ?
-- by 会员 baileys2010 (2011/1/14 15:52:47)

When E is out, I and J are in.

For this question, when I is out, J is out, then E is in, then G is out.  So you have at least 3 out: I, J, G.
作者: baileys2010    时间: 2011-1-14 23:57
Thanks a lot. I am quite new with these games.
作者: 小cvv    时间: 2012-1-4 15:55
thanks for the posts. I like this thread very much. Challenging my brain helps me to kill time.  lol
作者: cantarella    时间: 2012-4-26 11:27
question 4.

what about just voting against E and I? vote for DFGHJ?
-- by 会员 baileys2010 (2011/1/14 15:52:47)

When E is out, I and J are in.

For this question, when I is out, J is out, then E is in, then G is out.  So you have at least 3 out: I, J, G.
-- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2011/1/14 22:29:29)

and when G is out, at least one of the H or D is out, coz:

She votes for the gun control bill if she votes for both the health care bill and the defense bill.

so I think shoule be C for Q4
at least I, J, G, H or D
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2012-4-27 02:09
LS is right.  My explanation is kind of misleading.

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