作文狗: AI: the most effective leaders are those people who have the highest ethical standards. AA airline的profit去年降低了,然后有人就分析可能是年初的时候石油价格上涨造成的。然后说在石油价格上涨的同时,公司也expanded operations, added new airlines to different cities。然后他们分析别的航空公司发现别人的利润非但没有下跌反而还有的上涨了,所以他们总结the new airlines added must be responsible for the decline in profit. 然后就建议eliminate the airlines added this year。(我没看全AA的题库,不知道是不是题库里面的哈…)
阅读狗: 阅读题目我真的记得不是很清楚,所以估计不能提供给大家什么帮助…而且考前一晚我才匆匆扫了一眼阅读寂静简洁版(截止到29日的那个),所以有的阅读不能够定位到具体的狗狗~sorry~ 1. restaurant的service guarantee那题。大致内容大家应该都很清楚了,文章很简单。题目全忘了… 2.地震的题目。第一段完完全全就是讲某老观点认为地震都是发生在浅层的。给出原因,还给出一个in addition,最近的major earthquakes都是发生在浅层的。然后第二段才开始讲也有很多地震发生在深层。某个British的科学家就给出了两个假设,反正都会导致石头crystal structure的变化(这个有考点),但是第一种呢发生的比较缓慢所以不会导致地震,第二种就会导致地震。 3. 钟表那道题,考前晚上看到过,阅读寂静简洁版里面有详细的文章,个人认为比较贴合原文内容,贴上来给大家看下。 The Shortt clock had two pendulums. The first, known as the master, swung freely in an evacuated case. Its only job was to synchronize the swing of the second pendulum, called the slave, which was housed in a neighboring cabinet. Every 30 seconds the slave sent an electrical signal to give a nudge to the master. In return, via an elaborate electromechanical link, the master ensured that the slave never got out of step. 肖特钟两个钟摆,一个真空环境的做校准用,一个正常摆,相互用电机协调 Shortt clocks were standard provision in astronomical observatories of the 1920s and 1930s, and are credited with keeping time to better than 2 milliseconds a day. Many were on record as losing or gaining no more than 1 second a year – a stability of one part in 30 million. The first indications of seasonal variations in the Earth’s rotation were gleaned一by the use of Shortt clocks. 肖特钟还是很准的,人们还利用这个钟测出了日月引力对地环转速的影响 In 1984 Pierre Boucheron carried out a study of a Shortt clock which had survived in the basement of the US Naval Observatory since 1932. Using the modern optical sensing equipment instead of the electromechanical coupling; he measured its rate against the observatory’s atomic clocks for a month. He found that it was stable to 200 microseconds a day over this period, equivalent to two to three parts in a billion. What is more, the data also reveal that the clock was sensing the distortion of the Earth due to tides from the Moon and the Sun. PB的实验与原子钟进行比较,再次证明肖特钟误差极小,但地月的引力场还是对其准确度有影响 最后一段主要讲日月引力怎么样对陆地也造成影响(好像没什么题)。 然后我遇到的题目,一个是问这个钟有什么发现之类的,我选的是indications of seasonal variations in the Earth’s rotation。可以定位到第二段末尾。 还问了the first pendulum保存的地方的特性之类的,定位第一段,全真空。但是我不确定自己的答案… 另外的就记不得了。Jj说这题貌似是高分区~所以我碰到的时候还心花怒放了一下。挺长的,一屏多。 4.讲的是manufacture和retailer之间的关系。记不太清了sorry…就记得文章说,customers虽然已经知道retailer会时不时打折,但是他们不知道完全的信息,所以retailer会经常把manufacturer给他们的折扣私吞了然后不给customer提供折扣…然后考到这道题了,问的貌似是显示了customer的什么。我选的是customer不知道他们的折扣一般都来自manufacturer。