这是我的初步想法哈,所以准备马上申请Cambridge Real Estate Finance, Columbia MSERD, NYU MSRE, 然后用英国的CASS(city university)的real estate finance保底。我现在已经有一个Offer是英国UCL的construction economics and management,但是我一心只想房地产,觉得工程管理毕竟不是房地产的核心业务,所以努力滴准备继续申请房地产项目啊!
等你联系我!作者: CornellPRE 时间: 2010-11-5 03:07
要是对real estate finance 有兴趣,应该考虑Cornell 的 Masters in Real Estate. 我们的program可以让你concentrate in Real Estate Investments 或者 Real Estate Finance and Investment Banking. 要是有问题提可以问我。我们的real estate finance recruiting is very strong.作者: lovejiujiu 时间: 2010-11-5 12:00
这是Carol还是Dicson啊?作者: CornellPRE 时间: 2010-11-6 00:56
It's Randolph作者: lovejiujiu 时间: 2010-11-6 08:24
Seriously? You f%&king kidding me right? Ur written Chinese is this good?作者: pgstudent 时间: 2010-11-6 11:26
How is the recent job placement rate for Cornell MPS real estate graduate?
What is the academic and working background for majority of students?
I am interested in the real estate financing and investing or real estate development.
I look forward to your kindly reply. Thx a lot..作者: lovejiujiu 时间: 2010-11-7 06:00
both student resume book and employment stats are on Cornell's website.作者: CornellPRE 时间: 2010-11-10 02:32
Ray: 我的中文还能应付。I guess I've got a few tricks left up my sleeve Hope all is well at Columbia.作者: CornellPRE 时间: 2010-11-10 02:36
Pgstudent: 你可以去我们的网站。就像LoveJiuJiu说的,我么学生的背景和工作placement的资料都是公开的。我们很多的学生往房地产金融的方向走。
Columbia is treating me well.... with lots of work. I am going back to China for two weeks after Christmas. Sonny Kalsi, our Prof from International RE: China Region is taking us to meet some ppl there. He was the global head of Real Estate at Morgan Stanley, and now setting up his own fund.
Let me know (in private if you want) if you locked down ur intern. All the best to your studies! And call me if you have plan to come to the city.作者: feny211 时间: 2010-11-16 12:50 标题: 我跟你有相同的兴趣爱好,也刚开始申请 大家可以相互交流一下,在申请的道路上并肩作战。作者: feny211 时间: 2010-11-16 12:52 标题: 我想请教你关于CORNELL 的RE PROGRAM 请问你有MSN吗?我想请教你一些问题。谢谢。作者: realwuxiaoqi 时间: 2010-11-19 17:32
大家好,我是刚刚考完GMAT和TOEFL的CDer,目前和各位10级一样准备开始申请学校了,重点考虑的无非也是NYU(MSRE,MSRED都可考虑), Cornell和Columbia的Master in Real Estate。我原来是在一家新加坡的地产基金工作,有相关的成功投资案例,希望能得到前辈的指点。作者: CornellPRE 时间: 2010-11-19 21:59
要是有问题的话可以给我发pm. 我坐在admisssion staff所以要是有问题,我会想办法帮忙。要是想法email, 我的contact info 在
I'm the second one on the list.作者: CornellPRE 时间: 2010-11-20 03:33
Also, if you wish to learn more about the program at Cornell, please take a look at our YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/cornellrealestate
We'll be adding more videos there as the year goes on.作者: hellorider 时间: 2010-11-27 15:41
你都已经在地产基金了就不用着急申了吧,这么好的机会,哎 哪像我现在天天爬脚手架在工程上混。
CornellPRE 发表于 2010-11-5 03:07
要是对real estate finance 有兴趣,应该考虑Cornell 的 Masters in Real Estate. 我们的program可以 ...
您好,我现在在准备申请Cornell real estate方向,不知道可不可以留个联系方式交流一下!作者: kinwaizhao0403 时间: 2015-3-13 18:18
Just wondering why you did not consider LSE's MsC Real Estate Finance and Economics