希望大家帮我改,或告诉我更好的表达方式,并帮我解答疑问词汇: 非常感谢!! -------------------------- 准备从以下五个方面选题: personal issue; Human isuse; (Many people); social issue (regulations) envirmental problem(human being and Nature); Moden civilization(objects)
新概念4 第二课 的论证方式。 Why, you may wonder, should the foreign language learning start from the primary school.(提问式开头) Becasue that's the most proper period for language learning. (回答式提出中心) Quite a few people who wanna pick up a second language always have a lot of practical
problems, for instance, lack of time, passion, enviroment,ect. All these troubles could be solved if the study began from the childhood. Children have more time and curiousity of new things. (反证法) Moreover, unlike adult, Kids don't have other social burden, wich obviously will improve the result of learng.. (比较法)
One authority on epistemology made a census of the forgien language learning, and he found that most of people grasp a second language before their twenties. (例证)
疑问表达方式: 碰到困难; 改进效果;事实胜于雄辩;作者: lewis 时间: 2003-5-27 08:41
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