
标题: 杯具 失约而是二 狗还是要放滴 狗大大地有--继续++++ [打印本页]

作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-22 15:51
标题: 杯具 失约而是二 狗还是要放滴 狗大大地有--继续++++
 废话不多说,刚刚换题库就能遇到,一战700 ,二战700-,也和gmat遗憾说拜拜吧! 马上开始申请了, 否极泰来---ps: 我再慢慢憋点出来  你们先将就看着 啊!!! ai technologyultimately seperates and isolates people more than bring people together.aa: by opening swimming pool, TAKE HERAT fitness company increase itsnumber of revenues, so it expected that by adding more creational activities,such as a,b,c ,it could increase its revenues and gain a dominating marketshare in health market.....英文不完整。
1. 有一整篇gwd原题,四道题原封不动,确认(T-9-Q20-Q23:GWD-13-34~37),今天确实脑壳有问题,以前全对的四题,今天楞是做错两道。(详见11楼)
2. restaurant 的service guarantee:
第一段:提出serviceguarantee 这个东西带来的影响是mixed的,对于一个比较高级的餐厅来说,有service guarantee是有帮助的,因为去这种餐厅是一种financialcommitment,有service guarantee 是符合对这这种高级餐厅的期望的。但是对于一个a开头的一个形容的餐厅,我猜是那种评价的,大排档一样的餐厅,serviceguarantee 往往会产生nagative effect, 因为人们本来就没有期望从这样的餐厅里头得到多好的服务,有了service guarantee让人们觉得餐厅是不是觉得对于自己的服务的不自信还是什么的,然后这样的情况是对于一般餐厅来说的,但是对于那种需要skill的行业,比如说修理啊什么的行业,人们还是期望要有service guarantee的。
  第二段:说对于restaurant 来说,这样的guarantee可能带来的东西对于staff方面比在customer方面多,然后说一来staff可以用这个东西比对标准来工作,二来可以??忘了(不重要)

问题: 文章的idea :我选的是介绍service guarantee的disadvantage 和advantages,大家再看看,今天我的答案没有参考性。
           后面还有两个问题,一个好像是问人们对serviceguarantee 的看法,有一个比较靠谱的选项是他们对服务质量有要求的时候,sg就会有用之类的。另外个想不出来了!!
1。飞机:背景 说有一个regualtion说飞机上面不能使用手机,因为手机和飞机使用的频率(frequency)是一样的,用的手机是compromise飞机的safety,然后乘客反驳说:这是不对的,因为过去没有飞机失事的情况中,没有说因为使用手机导致的。 问的是weaken顾客的说法 :其他选项不太记得,自己选的是因为不一定因为手机使用而失事这个原因能够被detect出来
2. 网上申请题: 有一个公司的hr说,公司应该把招聘信息挂在网上,应聘者可以通过网上申请的方式投建立,就会有更多得人来应聘,这样公司现在就可以增加样本,然后招到更好的人,问题是weakenhr的这种plan。a.公司的老员工以前没有experience这样的方法 c. 公司手头已经有了一大批的应聘简历 其他的忘了
3. 失业率题:有一个地方失业率和一个什么东西很高,然后一个公司就提出一个stategy:既然这样,我们就建立一个technologycenter,然后就可以减少我们的operating expense(目的),因为这个地区因为失业率高这些技术人员的工资很低,我们就可以把这个利用起来。问的是weaken公司的这个小算盘。答案有:去年有个公司有这样一个center,但是企业因为损失而倒闭了(感觉不是这个,因为没有直接weaken,企业倒闭可能因为其他的原因);这个地区的技术人员可能因为这个地区找不到工作而到其他地方去(我选的这个,这样企业就招不到便宜的人了,大家再看看);还有选项是:这个地区的技术人员整体水平都很低;还有两个不记得了,都是比较无关的。
4. 还有一个是什么鱼的保护问题,背景说某种鱼因为??数量变得很少,因此当地政府决定才用个什么方式来保护,好像是利用人们做什么来保护,问的是support,这道题是倒数第二道,只有不到一分钟,只简单看了下题干,大概是这么个意思,选了个与人们会按政府想的做之类的意思。继续++++
5 .conclusion题:答案我选得完全就是题目一句话得翻版。其他的感觉没有信息可以支持。

1.  去年,n一次价格下降之后,n销量上升,freesmoker的销量下降。
2.   市面上还有其他的这样的药
3.   你们为了减少开支,可以不服用这种药,去用其他的一些戒烟的方式,
语法 1. 主语(单数)长修饰,谓语以及之后的划线(考主谓一致排)
         2. 一个主语的动词发出了三个并列的宾语,就是宾语的平行,theincrese in..  the improvement of..and the ...这样的。
1. 告诉了直角坐标系里头的三个坐标(数字不记得),求面积。
2. 一个正方形里头正切了一个圆,告诉了正方形的边长(具体数字不记得) 问圆形外但在正方体那部分阴影部分面积,有图。
3. 有一个车展,车子都是同一个方向的朝向,然后一共是5辆车子,3辆蓝色,一辆黄色,一辆红色,问有多少中排列的方式。
4. 还有一个文式图:一共有100个同学,3部片子,有20个人三部片子都看过,10个人一部都没有看过,(前面数字没有问题)然后三部片子分别看过的人是47,55,(数字好像有点问题) 还有个什么,忘了,然后问看过两部片子有多少个人 ?
5. 又是一个文式图:讨论什么的忘了,打个比方,选a的有75,选b的有60(数字不是太清楚),题目好像暗示有两个都不选的人,问两个都选的(好像是)atleast是多少?
6. (0.8)^-5/((0.4)^4)
7. 下面直线哪些垂直,选一个x=a,y=b的那个(a,b已经给了)
8. ds:有k和b两条船,相隔100km,同时前往一个港口, k的速度是20km/h,b的速度是30km/h,问的是能否知道哪个先到?(题目比较长,浓缩了下)
a. 在前往港口航程,两个船的方向是垂直着的
b. b离港口有40?(忘了具体数字)
9. 一个sequence,s1,,告诉s0=一个数,问能不能求s10?
a. 当n》1时,有关系Sn-1=Sn-1
b. 当n>1时,有sn+sn-1=一个数  
10. 定义了什么叫做remainer,说得是m=p*q+n(m是被除数,p是除数,n是余数)m>0 n>0,m等于100,除以余数30的时候,remainder是多少呢?注意原来的定义,remainder是个正数样, 这道题看得很赶,又很长,严格按照题目定义做就对了
11.一个数字m,被3除一个数(忘了)  被12除余了一个数(忘了), 那么m+n可能的数是多少呢?答案选的是54。
12. 一个长方形,面积是1000,边长的比是2:5(前面是2,后面不确定)当短边增加10时,在保证两个边的ratio的情况下,问面积增加了多少
作者: zencheng902    时间: 2010-10-22 15:53
作者: hhhsu27    时间: 2010-10-22 15:53
作者: 怖宁年    时间: 2010-10-22 15:53
lz V5~
作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-22 15:54
发到一半  抽风了!! 重来
作者: 萱岚芷雅    时间: 2010-10-22 15:54
作者: dawn19    时间: 2010-10-22 15:57
作者: zgy32041    时间: 2010-10-22 15:59
作者: danoulini    时间: 2010-10-22 16:00
作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-22 16:01
探中介的口气是 最好不要  不过这种东西谁又能说得清楚 想好了选个好日子就去考吧  

想起早上贪小便宜把分report 到几所dream school了  希望影响不大  哎  今天还真是手贱
作者: papaya730    时间: 2010-10-22 16:01
作者: XYXB    时间: 2010-10-22 16:03
A smallnumber of the forest species of lepidoptera (moths and butterflies, which existas caterpillars during most of their life cycle) exhibit regularly recurringpatterns of population growth and decline—such fluctuations in population areknown
as population cycles. Althoughmany different variables influence population levels, a regular pattern such asa population cycle seems to imply a dominant, driving force.  Identification of that driving force,however, has proved surprisingly elusive despite considerable research. The commonapproach of studying causes of population cycles by measuring the mortalitycaused by different agents, such as predatory birds or parasites, has beenunproductive in the case of lepidoptera. Moreover, population ecologists’ attempts to alter cycles by changingthe caterpillars’ habitat and by reducing caterpillar populations have notsucceeded. In short, theevidence implies that these insect populations, if not self-regulating, may atleast be regulated by an agent more intimately connected with the insect thanare predatory birds or parasites.

Recent work suggests that this agent maybe a virus.  For many years, viraldisease had been reported in declining populations of caterpillars, butpopulation ecologists had usually considered viral disease to have contributedto the decline once it was underway rather than to have initiated it. Therecent work has been made possible by new techniques of molecular biology thatallow viral DNA to be detected at low concentrations in the environment.  Nuclear polyhedrosis viruses are hypothesizedto be the driving force behind population cycles in lepidoptera in part becausethe viruses themselves follow an infectious cycle in which, if protected from directsun light, they may remain virulent for many years in the environment, embeddedin durable crystals of polyhedrin protein. Once ingested by a caterpillar, thecrystals dissolve, releasing the virus to infect the insect’s cells. Late inthe course of the infection, millions of new virus particles are formed andenclosed in polyhedron crystals. These crystals reenter the environment afterthe insect dies and decomposes, thus becoming available to infect othercaterpillars.

One of theattractions of this hypothesis is its broad applicability. Remarkably, despitesignificant differences in habitat and behavior, many species of lepidopterahave population cycles of similar length, between eight and eleven years.  Nuclear polyhedrosis viral infection is onefactor these disparate species share.

Which of the following, if true, would most weaken theauthor’s conclusion in lines 25-30?
A.New research reveals that the number ofspecies of birds and parasites that prey on lepidoptera has droppedsignificantly in recent years.
B.New experiments in which the habitats oflepidoptera are altered in previously untried ways result in the shortening oflepidoptera population cycles.
C.Recent experiments have revealed that thenuclear polyhedrosis virus is present in a number of predators and parasites oflepidoptera.
D.Differences among the habitats oflepidoptera species make it difficult to assess the effects of weather onlepidoptera population cycles.
E. Viral disease is typicallyobserved in a large proportion of the lepidoptera population.

It can be inferred from the passage that the mortalitycaused by agents such as predatory birds or parasites was measured in anattempt to

A.develop an explanation for the existence oflepidoptera population cycles
B.identify behavioral factors in lepidopterathat affect survival rates
C.identify possible methods for controllinglepidoptera population growth
D.provide evidence that lepidopterapopulations are self-regulating
E.   determine the life stagesof lepidoptera at which mortality rates are highest

The primary purpose of the passage is to              
A.describe the development of new techniquesthat may help to determine the driving force behind population cycles in Lepidoptera
B.    present evidence thatrefutes a particular theory about the driving force behind population cycles inLepidoptera
C.present a hypothesis about the driving forcebehind population cycles in Lepidoptera
D.describe the fluctuating patterns ofpopulation cycles in Lepidoptera
E.    question the idea that asingle driving force is behind population cycles in Lepidoptera

According to the passage, before the discovery of newtechniques for detecting viral DNA, population ecologists believed that viraldiseases
A.were not widely prevalent among insectpopulations generally
B.affected only the caterpillar life stage oflepidoptera
C.were the driving force behind lepidopterapopulation cycles
D.attacked already declining caterpillarpopulations
E.    infected birds andparasites that prey on various species of lepidoptera

作者: tamiying    时间: 2010-10-22 16:04
作者: simpleru    时间: 2010-10-22 16:12
作者: zafteria    时间: 2010-10-22 16:15
作者: bobepop    时间: 2010-10-22 16:15
作者: hannan518    时间: 2010-10-22 16:16
作者: yyx    时间: 2010-10-22 16:17
作者: killerinJP    时间: 2010-10-22 16:19
作者: killerinJP    时间: 2010-10-22 16:19
探中介的口气是 最好不要  不过这种东西谁又能说得清楚 想好了选个好日子就去考吧  

想起早上贪小便宜把分report 到几所dream school了  希望影响不大  哎  今天还真是手贱
-- by 会员 lamandel (2010/10/22 16:01:12)


-- by 会员 killerinJP (2010/10/22 16:19:02)

作者: chris8849    时间: 2010-10-22 16:19


作者: liangliang1030    时间: 2010-10-22 16:22
LZ 强大。。。申的学校一定求你进!
作者: sophia000    时间: 2010-10-22 16:25
作者: 雨潇    时间: 2010-10-22 16:28
作者: xiangying0707    时间: 2010-10-22 16:29
作者: zmy19880908    时间: 2010-10-22 16:35
作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-22 16:36
探中介的口气是 最好不要  不过这种东西谁又能说得清楚 想好了选个好日子就去考吧  

想起早上贪小便宜把分report 到几所dream school了  希望影响不大  哎  今天还真是手贱
-- by 会员 lamandel (2010/10/22 16:01:12)


-- by 会员 killerinJP (2010/10/22 16:19:02)

-- by 会员 killerinJP (2010/10/22 16:19:47)

对 刚给中介打了个电话,中介对于这个成绩也很无奈,说只有给学校解释我神智不清了  
作者: xu_shining    时间: 2010-10-22 16:37
作者: Zurichsee    时间: 2010-10-22 16:46
作者: Lubysmarble    时间: 2010-10-22 16:51
作者: cn00320748    时间: 2010-10-22 16:52
作者: beatG    时间: 2010-10-22 16:57
作者: 我爱西红柿    时间: 2010-10-22 16:58
作者: tingxue114    时间: 2010-10-22 17:04
作者: 玫牡昙    时间: 2010-10-22 17:07
作者: baronsk    时间: 2010-10-22 17:12
UP  LZ 强大, 佩服佩服
作者: tangxin0027    时间: 2010-10-22 17:20
作者: kking    时间: 2010-10-22 17:21
作者: kking    时间: 2010-10-22 17:48
作者: h1a2n3l4u5_2003    时间: 2010-10-22 17:56
祝楼主全奖去到dream school~
作者: chenrunyu    时间: 2010-10-22 17:57
作者: wumoyan    时间: 2010-10-22 17:58
作者: 衣香鬓影88616    时间: 2010-10-22 18:02
作者: springcc5201    时间: 2010-10-22 18:06
LZ V5~~~~~THX~~~~~
作者: jenny1989    时间: 2010-10-22 18:12
LZ 逻辑第4题 鱼保护的是不是这个?求确认

v1 一个地方的商业渔船捕鱼用的是一种gill net,这种网捕到鱼后鱼就死了,因此被误捕的一些濒临灭绝的品种被进一步威胁。因此当地政府建议将gill net改成tent net,这种网不会把鱼弄死,补到珍贵品种后,渔民可以把它们放生。然后说,其它一个地方改用tent net后渔民就获得了很好的经济效益,因此本地改用这种网能够保护珍贵品种同时维护渔民的利益。问削弱。A那个已经改用tent net的地方,很多渔民在使用tent后退出了这个行业。B gill net 确实杀死了很多鱼,其它选项不太记得了。当时也没觉得A好,但其它都排除了,最后选了A。

v2 有一题是说fisheries 被要求改用tenet nets 因为他们之前用的个gill net  危害很多endangered fish species ,所以政府要求他们用tenet nets并说这样不会影响到commercial fisheries 因为是政府出钱买那些的tenet nets.
which of the following can be used to evaluate the claim of the government?
3个选项可以排除,剩下两个is the amount of endangered species caught by gill nets large enough before the net take in
还有一个是啥来的我忘了就在上个选项的下面。。我选了后面这个。。因为感觉before net take infish amount 好像不太重要吧?呵呵~~不确定~~

v3 某个休闲钓鱼区湖里的一种diamong trout的鱼population下降了。政府想遏制这种情况,就从邻近的湖中搬运这种鱼过来。可是因为搬运的鱼的数量比before publicizedfarm-bred的数量要少。所以这种下降趋势不会被遏制。问加强。

作者: dec0412    时间: 2010-10-22 18:16
作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-22 18:19

-- by 会员 Lubysmarble (2010/10/22 16:51:47)

  恩 希望他们直接忽略我今天的杯具
作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-22 18:20

LZ 逻辑第4题 鱼保护的是不是这个?求确认

v1 一个地方的商业渔船捕鱼用的是一种gill net,这种网捕到鱼后鱼就死了,因此被误捕的一些濒临灭绝的品种被进一步威胁。因此当地政府建议将gill net改成tent net,这种网不会把鱼弄死,补到珍贵品种后,渔民可以把它们放生。然后说,其它一个地方改用tent net后渔民就获得了很好的经济效益,因此本地改用这种网能够保护珍贵品种同时维护渔民的利益。问削弱。A那个已经改用tent net的地方,很多渔民在使用tent后退出了这个行业。B gill net 确实杀死了很多鱼,其它选项不太记得了。当时也没觉得A好,但其它都排除了,最后选了A。

v2 有一题是说fisheries 被要求改用tenet nets 因为他们之前用的个gill net  危害很多endangered fish species ,所以政府要求他们用tenet nets并说这样不会影响到commercial fisheries 因为是政府出钱买那些的tenet nets.
which of the following can be used to evaluate the claim of the government?
3个选项可以排除,剩下两个is the amount of endangered species caught by gill nets large enough before the net take in
还有一个是啥来的我忘了就在上个选项的下面。。我选了后面这个。。因为感觉before net take infish amount 好像不太重要吧?呵呵~~不确定~~
-- by 会员 jenny1989 (2010/10/22 18:12:25)

   好像不是诶 因为我看得很急  但是好像没有看到tenet nets 之类的东西
作者: jenny1989    时间: 2010-10-22 18:21
有第三个版本。。麻烦LZ再看看。。只能找符合鱼下降+政府 这种样子的
作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-22 18:32
对 好像是第三个  大意都差不多 好样的!
作者: jiananduan    时间: 2010-10-22 18:33
作者: alinalj    时间: 2010-10-22 18:35
lz 没关系

我二战比一战低了70分 理想的学校还是录取了

我注明了下我二战发烧了... PS写好是王道!!
作者: ts880421    时间: 2010-10-22 19:14
非常感谢 好羡慕你滴 一样会申到理想的学校 加油~~
作者: Perry2Harry    时间: 2010-10-22 19:32
作者: juliazhu15    时间: 2010-10-22 19:33
作者: wocall222222    时间: 2010-10-22 19:40
作者: sherryheart    时间: 2010-10-22 19:51
作者: bzkf    时间: 2010-10-22 20:30
作者: djc200805    时间: 2010-10-22 21:21
厉害  谢谢啦
作者: fujianaicd    时间: 2010-10-22 21:25
作者: shawnxlee    时间: 2010-10-22 21:30
作者: happysmiledy    时间: 2010-10-22 21:46
lz牛啊 记住这么多
作者: pli    时间: 2010-10-22 21:49
作者: 记忆钢琴    时间: 2010-10-22 22:07
作者: xldwns    时间: 2010-10-22 22:14
有第三个版本。。麻烦LZ再看看。。只能找符合鱼下降+政府 这种样子的
-- by 会员 jenny1989 (2010/10/22 18:21:15)

作者: 暖暖tulip    时间: 2010-10-22 22:39
楼主太剽悍了,记忆力如此强大!!你一定能申请到dream school的。
作者: jessiecg    时间: 2010-10-22 22:47
作者: yukiqiang    时间: 2010-10-22 22:50
作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-22 22:52

-- by 会员 jessiecg (2010/10/22 22:47:55)

    我可能在低分区了   感觉就还好   但是今天pace没对  后面赶着选了几道
作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-22 22:56
有第三个版本。。麻烦LZ再看看。。只能找符合鱼下降+政府 这种样子的
-- by 会员 jenny1989 (2010/10/22 18:21:15)

-- by 会员 xldwns (2010/10/22 22:14:25)


作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-22 22:57

-- by 会员 pli (2010/10/22 21:49:47)

对 我看了我的tn-24也是这个答案哦
作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-22 22:58

lz 没关系

我二战比一战低了70分 理想的学校还是录取了

我注明了下我二战发烧了... PS写好是王道!!
-- by 会员 alinalj (2010/10/22 18:35:33)

我现在已经缓过来了  继续下一阶段  gmat 就不强求了
作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-22 23:00

-- by 会员 fujianaicd (2010/10/22 21:25:14)

 加油加油 !
作者: curious0814    时间: 2010-10-22 23:17
作者: pli    时间: 2010-10-23 00:36

-- by 会员 pli (2010/10/22 21:49:47)

对 我看了我的tn-24也是这个答案哦
-- by 会员 lamandel (2010/10/22 22:57:55)

LZ是这一句吗?For many years, viral disease had been reported in declining populations of caterpillars, but population ecologists had usually considered viral disease to have contributed to the decline once it was underway rather than to have initiated it.这个BUT后面的怎么理解啊?我以为BUT是对前面的一个转折,所以ecologists以前不那么认为declining populations of caterpillars
作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-23 12:29

-- by 会员 pli (2010/10/22 21:49:47)

对 我看了我的tn-24也是这个答案哦
-- by 会员 lamandel (2010/10/22 22:57:55)

LZ是这一句吗?For many years, viral disease had been reported in declining populations of caterpillars, but population ecologists had usually considered viral disease to have contributed to the decline once it was underway rather than to have initiated it.这个BUT后面的怎么理解啊?我以为BUT是对前面的一个转折,所以ecologists以前不那么认为declining populations of caterpillars
-- by 会员 pli (2010/10/23 0:36:24)

我觉得吧 ,BUT 前面是说以前eco们的一个总的印象,就是发生再declining population中间的,but后面详细介绍其中是怎样发生的,but population ecologistshad usually considered viral disease to have contributed to the decline once itwas underway rather than to have initiated it ,是b这种方式而不是a这种方式,所以前后都是eco以前的看法,只是后面强调了方法而已。题目问的是eco的看法,而且是according to the passage,所以直接从前面一句话就可以得出答案呐
作者: BLinging    时间: 2010-10-24 01:50
Thanks lz!
作者: zhangx468    时间: 2010-10-24 03:05
作者: jenny1989    时间: 2010-10-24 14:46
麻烦LZ 再看看那个 戒烟药的逻辑 是这道PREP原题吗? 谢谢

In Borania many people who want to quit smoking wear nicotine skin patches, which deliver small doses of nicotine through the skin.  Beginning next month, these patches can be purchased without a doctor's prescription.  Although nonprescription patches will be no more effective than those obtained by prescription and will be equally expensive, patch manufacturers are nevertheless predicting that the patches' new nonprescription status will boost sales, which have slowed considerably in recent years.
Which of the following, if true in Borania, most strongly supports the manufacturers' prediction?

A. Most people who wanted to quit smoking and who found the nicotine skin patch helpful in quitting have quit.
B. Nicotine skin patches generally cost more to use than do other types of aids that help people to quit smoking.
C. Several nonprescription aids aimed at helping people to quit smoking have been widely available for a number of years.
D. Many smokers who want to quit smoking feel that they cannot afford to visit a doctor for a prescription. (Answer)
E. People who use nicotine skin patches have approximately the same rate of success in quitting smoking as do people who use other aids aimed at helping people to quit smoking.
作者: ParkShanghai    时间: 2010-10-24 16:54
强大啊~ 祝你成功~
作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-24 19:57

麻烦LZ 再看看那个 戒烟药的逻辑 是这道PREP原题吗? 谢谢

In Borania many people who want to quit smoking wear nicotine skin patches, which deliver small doses of nicotine through the skin.  Beginning next month, these patches can be purchased without a doctor's prescription.  Although nonprescription patches will be no more effective than those obtained by prescription and will be equally expensive, patch manufacturers are nevertheless predicting that the patches' new nonprescription status will boost sales, which have slowed considerably in recent years.
Which of the following, if true in Borania, most strongly supports the manufacturers' prediction?

A. Most people who wanted to quit smoking and who found the nicotine skin patch helpful in quitting have quit.
B. Nicotine skin patches generally cost more to use than do other types of aids that help people to quit smoking.
C. Several nonprescription aids aimed at helping people to quit smoking have been widely available for a number of years.
D. Many smokers who want to quit smoking feel that they cannot afford to visit a doctor for a prescription. (Answer)
E. People who use nicotine skin patches have approximately the same rate of success in quitting smoking as do people who use other aids aimed at helping people to quit smoking.
-- by 会员 jenny1989 (2010/10/24 14:46:52)

作者: Ank    时间: 2010-10-24 20:56
作者: earl911    时间: 2010-10-24 20:59
作者: lamandel    时间: 2010-10-25 14:22

-- by 会员 Ank (2010/10/24 20:56:35)

一战分数比较尴尬 而且作文低得有点吓人哈
作者: 谷雨书    时间: 2010-10-25 20:27

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