标题: Kellogg的申请状态 [打印本页]
作者: sania 时间: 2010-10-20 19:54
标题: Kellogg的申请状态
提交part 2一个星期了,申请状态还是提交part 1之后一模一样的:We have received Part I of application.
After Part II of your application has been submitted and reviewed, the next update will confirm whether or not all application materials have been received. Due to the high volume of applications, please allow several weeks of processing time for us to verify that all required items are complete. We recommend that you check this site periodically for the next update to your application.
是要等他们review了part 2才会变呢,还是说提交了part 2就会变呢?有点莫名其妙地担心了....
作者: yizyang 时间: 2010-10-20 21:58
作者: tiy 时间: 2010-10-20 22:16
作者: sania 时间: 2010-10-20 22:23
还在苦等interview。。。9月13号交的part 1。。。真纠结。。。。
作者: tiy 时间: 2010-10-20 22:24
还在苦等interview。。。9月13号交的part 1。。。真纠结。。。。
-- by 会员 sania (2010/10/20 22:23:12)
作者: sania 时间: 2010-10-20 22:26
嗯,可能我交part 2比较晚,截止前10个小时交的。。。
作者: tiy 时间: 2010-10-20 22:28
但是你要知道,如果没有interview过,或者waive interview,adcom是不会review你的申请材料的,所有状态变不变,在我看来是没有任何的影响
作者: sania 时间: 2010-10-20 22:32
但是你要知道,如果没有interview过,或者waive interview,adcom是不会review你的申请材料的,所有状态变不变,在我看来是没有任何的影响
-- by 会员 tiy (2010/10/20 22:28:30)
惊~!8会吧... 可是好像中国区的面试通知是不是都还没发呢?
作者: tiy 时间: 2010-10-20 22:35
作者: tiy 时间: 2010-10-20 22:36
All the required elements of your application are complete.
If your interview has been completed, the application has been submitted for review to the admissions committee. If your interview has not been conducted, the application will be submitted to the admissions committee upon completion of the interview. The next status check update will be the admission decision (Admit, Waitlist or Deny). When a decision has been rendered, the Office of Admissions will send you an email notifying you to check your status for your decision. Decisions will be released throughout the round, but the majority of decisions will be released during the last several weeks of the round.
作者: lovely12349 时间: 2010-10-20 22:37
还在苦等interview。。。9月13号交的part 1。。。真纠结。。。。
-- by 会员 sania (2010/10/20 22:23:12)
-- by 会员 tiy (2010/10/20 22:24:14)
怎么显示的?原话是什么?是这样的吗?All required questions have been completed and your Application has been successfully submitted.
还是明确说 材料complete?
作者: tiy 时间: 2010-10-20 22:38
还在苦等interview。。。9月13号交的part 1。。。真纠结。。。。
-- by 会员 sania (2010/10/20 22:23:12)
-- by 会员 tiy (2010/10/20 22:24:14)
怎么显示的?原话是什么?是这样的吗?All required questions have been completed and your Application has been successfully submitted.
还是明确说 材料complete?
-- by 会员 lovely12349 (2010/10/20 22:37:08)
作者: sania 时间: 2010-10-20 22:39
oh crap.... 那只能老老实实等interview了。。。。 我觉得我的status还会变一次,应该会变成跟你一样的。。。你提交part 2之后等了多久变成这个status的呢?
作者: tiy 时间: 2010-10-20 22:42
oh crap.... 那只能老老实实等interview了。。。。 我觉得我的status还会变一次,应该会变成跟你一样的。。。你提交part 2之后等了多久变成这个status的呢?
-- by 会员 sania (2010/10/20 22:39:32)
作者: sania 时间: 2010-10-20 22:44
oh crap.... 那只能老老实实等interview了。。。。 我觉得我的status还会变一次,应该会变成跟你一样的。。。你提交part 2之后等了多久变成这个status的呢?
-- by 会员 sania (2010/10/20 22:39:32)
-- by 会员 tiy (2010/10/20 22:42:57)
好的,多谢啦~~~ 我老老实实每天check status吧。。。大家共勉共勉~
作者: yidiyuehan 时间: 2010-10-20 22:44
我9月24号提交的, 还以为等很久了............
作者: yizyang 时间: 2010-10-20 23:05
我9月24号提交的, 还以为等很久了............
-- by 会员 yidiyuehan (2010/10/20 22:44:29)
主要是看Part 2什么时候提交的吧
作者: Bleuxu 时间: 2010-10-21 11:30
作者: Bleuxu 时间: 2010-10-22 01:09
作者: lovely12349 时间: 2010-10-22 21:07
作者: orgio 时间: 2010-10-22 21:17
作者: lovely12349 时间: 2010-10-22 23:34
作者: lovely12349 时间: 2010-10-22 23:38
作者: thecow10000 时间: 2010-10-23 03:11
hahaha lovely12349 you are hilarious. "这钱还不如用来泡妞"
You can always start preparing for R2 safety schools if R1 schools don't work out.
作者: thecow10000 时间: 2010-10-23 03:35
Comrad Mao, I appreciate your comments. You are probably one of the most helpful writers on this website.
My comments are more specific for "Mr. lovely." It is kind of late for him to go for R1 back up schools at this point. If he misses his interview invites by Nov, he still has time to prepare for the Jan R2's.
Personally, I am attacking all 3 tiers for R1 (1 reach, some realistic ones, and 1 safe). If it doesn't work out, I will do the same for R2 (1 reach, "realistic ones" which are probably reaches, and 2-3 safe).
Duke is indeed a good program. Isn't its healthcare management program very good too? Location would be my only concern.
作者: whismanc 时间: 2010-10-26 08:28
作者: newton47 时间: 2010-10-26 14:35
有没有人是round 1交的part1 and part2 application, 但现在status还是下面这种情况的?
We have received Part I of application.
After Part II of your application has been submitted and reviewed, the next update will confirm whether or not all application materials have been received. Due to the high volume of applications, please allow several weeks of processing time for us to verify that all required items are complete. We recommend that you check this site periodically for the next update to your application.
作者: sania 时间: 2010-10-26 17:00
有没有人是round 1交的part1 and part2 application, 但现在status还是下面这种情况的?
We have received Part I of application.
After Part II of your application has been submitted and reviewed, the next update will confirm whether or not all application materials have been received. Due to the high volume of applications, please allow several weeks of processing time for us to verify that all required items are complete. We recommend that you check this site periodically for the next update to your application.
-- by 会员 newton47 (2010/10/26 14:35:33)
LS这个问题似乎在LZ已经问过了。After Part II of your application has been submitted and reviewed, the next update will confirm whether or not all application materials have been received.也就是说,可能你的资料还没有reviewed,但是并不是说没有submitted。等等吧。
-- by 会员 ningchunlong (2010/10/26 15:57:29)
嗯,我依然是这个状态~ 要有1-4 weeks 才会变,我已经不纠结了~
作者: Bleuxu 时间: 2010-10-28 12:07
作者: yizyang 时间: 2010-10-28 14:09
All the required elements of your application are complete.
If your interview has been completed, the application has been submitted for review to the admissions committee. If your interview has not been conducted, the application will be submitted to the admissions committee upon completion of the interview. The next status check update will be the admission decision (Admit, Waitlist or Deny). When a decision has been rendered, the Office of Admissions will send you an email notifying you to check your status for your decision. Decisions will be released throughout the round, but the majority of decisions will be released during the last several weeks of the round.
作者: celia_fu 时间: 2010-10-29 04:25
作者: maurise 时间: 2010-10-29 04:45
哎 没申K 祝福下大家
作者: sania 时间: 2010-10-29 14:52
All the required elements of your application are complete.If your interview has been completed, the application has been submitted for review to the admissions committee. If your interview has not been conducted, the application will be submitted to the admissions committee upon completion of the interview. The next status check update will be the admission decision (Admit, Waitlist or Deny). When a decision has been rendered, the Office of Admissions will send you an email notifying you to check your status for your decision. Decisions will be released throughout the round, but the majority of decisions will be released during the last several weeks of the round.-- by 会员 yizyang (2010/10/28 14:09:11)
作者: newton47 时间: 2010-10-29 21:09
状态都改成"complete"的同志们有没有收到interview invitation呢?
作者: celia_fu 时间: 2010-10-29 22:54
作者: newton47 时间: 2010-11-2 20:22
作者: sania 时间: 2010-11-2 22:07
还没有消息。。。网站说up to 8 weeks... 已经7.5 weeks了。。。 难道大陆一个都没发面试?
作者: yizyang 时间: 2010-11-2 22:53
状态都改成"complete"的同志们有没有收到interview invitation呢?
-- by 会员 newton47 (2010/10/29 21:09:00)
作者: yidiyuehan 时间: 2010-11-3 18:24
我的是 5 周, 本来以为他是第一个面试的可以赚点经验.
作者: celia_fu 时间: 2010-11-3 20:15
作者: nkos2009 时间: 2010-11-3 20:55
据说kellogg没有偏见的cuts,会给每个申请人面试的机会,所以大家耐心等等,会有interview invitation的。
作者: littleblack 时间: 2010-11-3 23:08
弱问,没有把official report给到学校算是完成了吗?我的状态一直没有变啊。。
作者: yidiyuehan 时间: 2010-11-5 11:54
作者: Bleuxu 时间: 2010-11-6 05:03
话说我也没发official transcript。。。学校也没有来信说要啊。。
作者: yizyang 时间: 2010-11-6 09:09
Official Transcript都是录取以后才要的吧?
作者: foxordog 时间: 2010-11-6 11:45
-- by 会员 yidiyuehan (2010/11/5 11:54:55)
作者: yidiyuehan 时间: 2010-11-7 14:08
是KELLOGG 邮件通知的, 给了一个校友的联系信息。
-- by 会员 yidiyuehan (2010/11/5 11:54:55)
-- by 会员 foxordog (2010/11/6 11:45:21)
作者: guok2719 时间: 2010-11-7 17:21
请问楼上是否是面试地点选在大陆的申请者?另外请问Part I 大约在何时提交的?非常感谢!
是KELLOGG 邮件通知的, 给了一个校友的联系信息。
-- by 会员 yidiyuehan (2010/11/5 11:54:55)
-- by 会员 foxordog (2010/11/6 11:45:21)
-- by 会员 yidiyuehan (2010/11/7 14:08:40)
作者: bigchou32 时间: 2020-1-14 21:15
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