标题: Maryland, Smith School of Business, Class of 2012 taking question [打印本页]
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-10-18 03:33
标题: Maryland, Smith School of Business, Class of 2012 taking question
I am a first year MBA student in University of Maryland Smith School of Business. Getting a lot of information from CD last year, I think it’s time for me to share something back to this forum, even if we have 3 finals next week.....
U of Maryland and Smith School of Business have strong connections with China, strong Chinese alumni not just in the field of business. I am willing to share my understanding about the programs and take your questions. Please feel free to post your questions and I'll try our best to provide my insights.
Wish you luck on your applications!
feel free to check on our website.
作者: Henrrick 时间: 2010-10-18 05:26
Go Teprs!
作者: 219dragon 时间: 2010-10-20 13:25
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-10-20 14:13
No problem! I will bring more info. here after we finish the final exam tomorrow.
作者: beatG 时间: 2010-10-21 12:53
Maryland比较强的方面是那些方面呢? 国内同学毕业之后的出路基本是留下还是回国? 在跟一些公民,绿卡的人(不管是否美国人)竞争的情况下,是不是没有身份一般都是劣势? 因为我听说学校的一些info session根本不让留学生去听和参加因为雇主已经说明白不会聘用留学生。另外, 留下的话一般是什么industry和function? 还有他们基本集中在东部么?有去西部的么?最后一个问题是,career services做得怎么样呢?
作者: echo_me 时间: 2010-10-22 11:55
作者: wonders 时间: 2010-10-22 12:12
作者: ineedtoknow 时间: 2010-10-22 12:41
作者: Henrrick 时间: 2010-10-23 02:27
Maryland比较强的方面是那些方面呢? 国内同学毕业之后的出路基本是留下还是回国? 在跟一些公民,绿卡的人(不管是否美国人)竞争的情况下,是不是没有身份一般都是劣势? 因为我听说学校的一些info session根本不让留学生去听和参加因为雇主已经说明白不会聘用留学生。另外, 留下的话一般是什么industry和function? 还有他们基本集中在东部么?有去西部的么?最后一个问题是,career services做得怎么样呢?
-- by 会员 beatG (2010/10/21 12:53:02)
Business Information System,IT and Entrepreneur最好。另外supply chain,general management和finance也不错。
mba career service不知,我是m.s.
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-10-23 02:59
Maryland比较强的方面是那些方面呢? 国内同学毕业之后的出路基本是留下还是回国? 在跟一些公民,绿卡的人(不管是否美国人)竞争的情况下,是不是没有身份一般都是劣势? 因为我听说学校的一些info session根本不让留学生去听和参加因为雇主已经说明白不会聘用留学生。另外, 留下的话一般是什么industry和function? 还有他们基本集中在东部么?有去西部的么?最后一个问题是,career services做得怎么样呢?
-- by 会员 beatG (2010/10/21 12:53:02)
Hello~ Sorry for replying late. Was in NY attending a consulting and finance trek.
To bearG : Smith 具体的强项就如同Henrick讲的,在于Information technology/finance/supply chain/entrepreneur. 今年也有很大一部分的focus着重于consulting, marketing.
Smith离DC仅有20分钟的车程,今年可以感觉出来Office of career service 更努力在邀请企业进Smith 办information session & recruiting.从finance/consulting/IT/marketing, 各个领域的企业让我们几乎每天都有information可以参加. 当然,有没有身分对于求职绝对是有影响的,这个是我们无法改变的事实,唯一能做的事情就是多跟企业做更多的approach + networking. 整体来说我认为career service 做得还不错,我们每个MBA学生都有一个专任的career and industry advisor可以做谘询.
至于毕业后留在美国的机会绝对是有的,目前据我所了解,finance/accounting/IT consulting是比较有机会留下来的industry. Smith绝大部分的alumni是在东岸工作(70%+). 晚点我会在针对smith整体的情形从curriculum + resource + connection + real world practice 作一个整体的介绍
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-10-23 03:11
-- by 会员 219dragon (2010/10/20 13:25:43)
IBM GBS 1.5 years + financial consulting firms 2 years, GMAT 720
亚洲的同学多半有3~5年的工作经验,日本和韩国的同学因为多半是企业sponsor 所以年龄层都偏大一点(30+),工作经验也相对多一点(7~10 years). Industry 方面是以finance/accounting的背景居多, ,GMAT平均成绩中国学生是 700+
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-10-23 03:17
-- by 会员 ineedtoknow (2010/10/22 12:41:16)
Toefl成绩建议还是能考到标准还是尽量考到标准,如果已经过了100但单项成绩没到标准,据我的了解,资料还是会被审核的.唯独拿到admission之后,在开学前会被要求考一个Maryland的英文考试,基本上这test十分的容易,今年有去考的同学几乎都是轻鬆过关. hope this help you a little bit.
作者: thecow10000 时间: 2010-10-23 03:41
Terps, slap Peter Morici if you see him. Thanks.
If you have any doubts, just search some of the nasty things he said.
作者: huxiao7 时间: 2010-11-2 11:05
作者: jasonlove 时间: 2010-11-2 15:59
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-11-3 13:51
你好~accounting今年具体就业情况还不错,finance是这几年发展的重点之一,今年big 4都有来Smith 作公司presentation了,不过具体hire国际学生的比例不知,我倒是有知道两个今年毕业的国际学生一个在big4做auditor另一位在local企业做business analyst. 奇怪的规定到没有,不过建议如果想以accounting专业留在美国,CPA是必备的
Smith离DC仅有20分钟的车程, 40分钟到Baltimore,1个多小时可以到Virginia, 4hrs到NY,整体的location来说是十分的不错的,两个礼拜前我们才结束了在NY的finance and consulting trek, 大部分的alumni也都在东岸这几个大城市工作,整体的connection非常不错
-- by 会员 huxiao7 (2010/11/2 11:05:24)
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-11-3 13:55
基本上,如果AT有700+,多数会拿到奖(中国同学这边据我所知几乎是都有拿到奖的), 就算没有奖也会有Graduate Assistant (GA),这个部分也可以cover大部分的学费开销. Smith在给奖的部分算是蛮慷慨的!
-- by 会员 jasonlove (2010/11/2 15:59:04)
作者: chelseadu 时间: 2010-11-19 18:00
想问一下:DC上课和college park上课有什么区别?
1. 两个的老师和学费应该是一样的吧> <
2. 现在去的学生怎么选择DC还是CP的?自己喜欢?还是按什么考虑的呢?
3. 楼主在哪个地方上课?如果在DC上课可不可以介绍一下住宿……去CP校区的交通还有平时除了上课的活动?
4. 如果在CP,往返DC和CP有些什么交通?都是自己开车么~还是如论坛上有同学说校车+地铁?在CP的话课程紧吗~除了上课~各个公司的招聘~还有些什么活动呢?
作者: lancylee26 时间: 2010-11-19 20:04
作者: jasonlove 时间: 2010-11-19 20:19
作者: bigjoe 时间: 2010-11-20 18:26
作者: LJZ1111 时间: 2010-11-20 22:40
首先非常感谢你花时间在这里解答大家的问题! 我也有一个问题:我GPA 2.6 对MBA的录取和奖学金会有很大的影响吗? 此外,我GMAT 750,AWA的分数还没出来,T 100, 4年+贸易&物流行业(其中在一所FORTUNE100的做过半年华东区主管) plus 3年+的金融行业(其中3年在美国的一家在其行业属TOP1的)。
很想读DUAL DEGREE (很想多学点东西)
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-11-21 04:08
据我所知,所有FT MBA几乎都是在CP为主(core course 基本都是在CP上课的),当然有些elective可以在DC校区上课. 交通的部分,是开车居多,当然你也可以搭shuttle,学校的公交凭学生证是免费的.我们通常会因为alumni gathering/ Smith student event/ elective 才会到DC校区 (it takes around 20 mins).
如果你登入Smtih的网页查看,在center的部分,Smith整个committee 真的是砸下巨资在经营这些centers.这也是Smith很重要的资产之一,前阵子我们才开过会议,接下来应该会针对这些center做更多的宣传。举我当例子来说.我因为Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship,明年一月要代表 Smith到北大与光华管理学院的学生进行商业竞赛,我因为Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER)明年五月要去日本进行2个星期的consulting project.这些都是我们在课堂与公司招聘外再作的事情,我认为这也是Smith最重要也最珍贵的资源之一
想问一下:DC上课和college park上课有什么区别?
1. 两个的老师和学费应该是一样的吧> <
2. 现在去的学生怎么选择DC还是CP的?自己喜欢?还是按什么考虑的呢?
3. 楼主在哪个地方上课?如果在DC上课可不可以介绍一下住宿……去CP校区的交通还有平时除了上课的活动?
4. 如果在CP,往返DC和CP有些什么交通?都是自己开车么~还是如论坛上有同学说校车+地铁?在CP的话课程紧吗~除了上课~各个公司的招聘~还有些什么活动呢?
-- by 会员 chelseadu (2010/11/19 18:00:41)
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-11-21 04:13
I strongly suggest you take the TOFEL again. At the mean time, since you've passed the requirement, you can still submit your current TOEFL first with a mention(either by phone or e-mail) that you will take the test again. Wish you luck !!
-- by 会员 lancylee26 (2010/11/19 20:04:57)
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-11-21 04:19
Hello~~In my experience, I believe you will either get GA or scholarship once you are admitted by Smith. GPA 2.6 will be an issue for your admission, but I don’t think it’s an issue for your scholarship. Good luck : )
我也有一个问题:我GPA 2.6 对MBA的录取和奖学金会有很大的影响吗? 此外,我GMAT 750,AWA的分数还没出来,T 100, 4年+贸易&物流行业(其中在一所FORTUNE100的做过半年华东区主管) plus 3年+的金融行业(其中3年在美国的一家在其行业属TOP1的)。
很想读DUAL DEGREE (很想多学点东西)
-- by 会员 LJZ1111 (2010/11/20 22:40:43)
作者: bigjoe 时间: 2010-11-21 14:13
作者: LJZ1111 时间: 2010-11-21 21:29
...then how big is the issue?... Is there anything I can do to compensate for it?
作者: jianxinl6 时间: 2010-11-21 22:04
能否介绍下smith在corporate finance方面的情况?有没有比较特色的课程,教授或者项目,就业方面的表现如何。谢谢
作者: Longbo2 时间: 2010-11-22 13:12
标题: 我已经面试过了,大概什么时候会有结果?
请教各位Smith的前辈,我是申请的R1,Admission Office的Amy已经通知资料都全了,11月初在北京和Sam正式面试过了。请问我大概什么时候能知道结果?目前还需要我做什么?
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-11-22 13:42
If you can come out a good story about why you have a lower GPA, because of your great GMAT score, I believe you still have a much higher chance to be admitted (with scholarship as well). Remember, the whole application is a package, and a low gpa is just a small part of it. good luck : )
...then how big is the issue?... Is there anything I can do to compensate for it?
-- by 会员 LJZ1111 (2010/11/21 21:29:37)
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-11-22 13:48
I think the R1 result will come out soon, not sure about the specific date though. You may check on the website, coz last year they have this kind of info. posted on the website.
About the scholarship, I'm not sure if only 700+ can get the money. I suggest you call admission office to ask about this once you are admitted : ) good luck !!!
请教各位Smith的前辈,我是申请的R1,Admission Office的Amy已经通知资料都全了,11月初在北京和Sam正式面试过了。请问我大概什么时候能知道结果?目前还需要我做什么?
-- by 会员 Longbo2 (2010/11/22 13:12:47)
作者: ikyo 时间: 2010-11-26 20:37
作者: travis0710 时间: 2010-11-26 20:48
同楼上 我工作经验两年半左右 其他条件应该都可以的 可以申请mba么
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-11-27 07:30
For the work experience question, we have average work experience for 4.5 years. However, Asian students typically will be around 2~5 years. Hope this help a bit.
to Travis, work experinece for 2.5 years is definitely okay for applying MBA. It's all about why you want an MBA and how an MBA can help you achieve your goal. Good luck on your application. Feel free to ask more quesitons.
作者: travis0710 时间: 2010-11-27 11:58
THX bro, hope I will be your alumnus in future.
作者: andy8892 时间: 2010-12-1 22:03
作者: miaybi 时间: 2010-12-2 10:42
作者: AppleStrudel 时间: 2010-12-4 01:11
请问要想加入那些Center的项目,比如你提到的Dingman Cener for Entrepreneauship and CIBER, 需要怎样的资格或者筛选或者更多是凭兴趣就可以?
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-12-4 15:31
@andy8892: I can't really tell you have a chance or not, since I'm not a MS student. However, as I heard about the MS program, most of the Chinese students have GMAT over 700. So you might want to emphasize more on ur essay and other stuff in order to be more competitve! Good luck !
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-12-4 15:33
@miabybi: You can use your own recommendation form! I think it will be fine. If you still have any concern, just call the admission office. They are all nice guys. Good luck : )
作者: YSJH 时间: 2010-12-4 15:53
We'll usually have to pass some pre-selection process to join the project or the program. Some of them are reallly complicated some or not. But, in short, most of the MBA students in Smith will have so many chances to participate different projects. Please feel free to look on the website for more information.
Also, if you are interested in finance, Smith has a great really world project called Mayer Fund: You can also check on the website for your inforamtion.
Smith has abundant resources not only in the acedemic area. We also have a consulting program that will send MBA students to solve the really case probelm in all around the world each year. It is all about how you leverage the school resources.
Good luck on your application.
作者: AppleStrudel 时间: 2010-12-5 00:47
Thanks for the reply. The various clubs and centers do look very attractive to me.
作者: jianxinl6 时间: 2010-12-5 21:42
能否介绍下smith在corporate finance方面的情况?有没有比较特色的课程,教授或者项目,就业方面的表现如何。谢谢 (之前问过一次,lz似乎漏掉了...)
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2010-12-12 07:18
I'm also here to answer more questions with regard to Smith application. I will answer your question for Finance. Here's the course listing for the finance classes available in the spring semester. BUFN750 Valuation of Corporate Finance. is a really good course that many people have lined up for. Due to the high demand. They opened up another class for us. Also, BUFN760 Applied Equity Analysis is very popular. These courses are taught by excellent professors. In terms of corporate finance job opportunities, we have many firms come and recruit summer interns and full-time job positions in corporate finance area. Even though the competition is always there, many of the seniors have secured offers now.
作者: AppleStrudel 时间: 2010-12-12 14:22
请问学校所在的DC area 对学校风格有什么影响吗?当地企业届更多是哪些行业?有和政府部门合作的比较多一些吗?
作者: bloodghost 时间: 2010-12-12 16:59
To Applestrudel,
DC area对学校的风格其实没有太大的影响,其实smith地理位置好的最大优势是纯geographical的,地处中心位置,去哪里都非常便利。相对来说,political方面 smith 并没有太大优势,与之相比,GW, Georgetown与政府部门的net-work要紧密一些,特别是GW。
pros说了很多,cons提一点,马大今年的排名相比去年掉了很多,这个排名的下跌很大程度上来自于去年毕业那届师兄师姐对program本身的review. 不过今年学校针对这个问题开了专题seminar听取我们的意见,并大幅度增强了career service,我对现任OCS(office of career services)的director的评价,只有1个词, Bravo!
Plz feel free to ask more questions~ or u guys may meet us duing the winter break(around mid january) as we will have information session in Beijing,Shanghai and Taibei.
作者: cyttina01 时间: 2010-12-12 17:30
LZ以及前辈, 你们好,我想请问关于MSF的几个问题
作者: bigjoe 时间: 2010-12-12 20:44
请教各位,据说Maryland MBA在IT这个industry很好,具体好在什么地方呢?有怎样好的课程或者机会?或者在大IT企业有怎样的人脉?多谢!
作者: bloodghost 时间: 2010-12-13 02:09
LZ以及前辈, 你们好,我想请问关于MSF的几个问题
-- by 会员 cyttina01 (2010/12/12 17:30:58)
作者: cyttina01 时间: 2010-12-14 09:24
LZ以及前辈, 你们好,我想请问关于MSF的几个问题
-- by 会员 cyttina01 (2010/12/12 17:30:58)
-- by 会员 bloodghost (2010/12/13 2:09:36)
作者: ibter 时间: 2011-1-13 19:27
作者: thecow10000 时间: 2011-1-13 22:56
How many Chinese students does the business school have?
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-1-20 09:36
I submitted all my materials before the deadline. Not sure if it's still ok to submit it after. I suggest that you get in touch with the admin to discuss the issue if you can't submit everything before deadline.
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-1-20 09:41
How many Chinese students does the business school have?
-- by 会员 thecow10000 (2011/1/13 22:56:43)
Not many. The program is already small. We only took up 6% of the cohort for the 2010 intake. So, There're 7 of us from mainland. 4 from Tai Wan.
作者: jianxinl6 时间: 2011-1-20 23:41
作者: avalon9527 时间: 2011-1-21 12:43
I've got an interview invitation letter from Smith School. But the tricky thing is I haven't submitted my application materials yet. So, what's going on? And I'd appreciate if you could tell me how to get well-prepared for this interview.
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-1-22 04:43
I will start with the interview process. Admission interview takes on three forms-face-to-face interview, Skype interview and phone interview. Regardless of the format, The interviews are always very structured and behavioral in nature. You shouldn't worry about it to much. It's similar to job interviews. You can prepare for the commonly asked questions. During the actual interview, there might be some slight variations. There's nothing too difficult.
Best of luck with your interviews
With regard to early interview invitation, I recommend that you write or call the admin office. It seems odd to me too.
作者: puqiandi 时间: 2011-2-3 11:57
what do you think of the program of MS in Finance?
How is the placement ? and Are ms student close with your MBA student?
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-2-3 14:18
MS program is relatively new, but it's a very good program. All the courses are taught by very experienced professors. Smith is known for its strong research. So, most of the benefits are materialized in post graduate programs.
In terms of interaction between the two programs (MS and MBA). It depends on the courses individuals choose. We normally don't have that many classes together. However, sometimes we do sit in the same class. Still, it all depends on the individuals. I have quite a few good friends from MS program.
作者: csch 时间: 2011-2-10 14:21
(Be ready for the blizzard in winter time if you are coming to Maryland, no kidding. )
There are terrific professors in Smith. Don't doubt about the quality of the courses, just worry about how many courses you can take and how to manage your time to deal with those resources. If you take dual degree, you need at least 2.5 years to get MBA and MS degree. And the application only be accepted in the first year.
class 2012 seems did pretty good job.
作者: yyy627 时间: 2011-2-16 18:14
想借这个帖子问一下关于马大的supply chain 在师资,就业方面怎么样?马大的supply chain master有没有了解的前辈或者TX能分析一些信息?
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-2-17 01:14
想借这个帖子问一下关于马大的supply chain 在师资,就业方面怎么样?马大的supply chain master有没有了解的前辈或者TX能分析一些信息?
-- by 会员 yyy627 (2011/2/16 18:14:05)
Personally, I'm not very familiar with the area of supply chain in Smith. My focus is finance. But, we do have a sizable Supply Chain Association here and it seems to be doing quite well. I can help you gather some information from my peers who attend this association.
作者: holygrail22 时间: 2011-2-17 03:33
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-2-17 10:51
-- by 会员 holygrail22 (2011/2/17 3:33:36)
The professors are really good. That's what UMD is known for--it's excellent faculty members and quality of research.
I don't really know the job situations for the MSA students. I believe there's a forum started by a current MSF student on CD. You can look for it. I can also help you find it when I have more time.
Yes, MSA and MSF programs have very high proportion of international students.
作者: yyy627 时间: 2011-2-17 11:12
想借这个帖子问一下关于马大的supply chain 在师资,就业方面怎么样?马大的supply chain master有没有了解的前辈或者TX能分析一些信息?
-- by 会员 yyy627 (2011/2/16 18:14:05)
Personally, I'm not very familiar with the area of supply chain in Smith. My focus is finance. But, we do have a sizable Supply Chain Association here and it seems to be doing quite well. I can help you gather some information from my peers who attend this association.
-- by 会员 JayZhang (2011/2/17 1:14:59)
作者: flynnyan 时间: 2011-2-18 06:18
作者: baqiandll 时间: 2011-2-21 00:17
我的TOEFL送分碰到了一个问题,我在SMITH的application form上用了我的英文名,但是我的TOEFL score report上的名字是我中文名字的拼音,所以学校表示他们匹配我的TOEFL分会有问题。不知道SMITH对待不能匹配的TOEFL score report是如何处理的?我这种问题要如何解决?谢谢!
作者: csch 时间: 2011-2-21 02:22
contact Admission office immediately
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-2-21 11:10
-- by 会员 flynnyan (2011/2/18 6:18:37)
I don't have the concrete number to give you. But, from what I heard from my peers, quite a few of us have got good internships. Many are still interviewing with the companies. Big firms are having a few rounds of interviews with some of our students. Many are is traveling to New York for interviews this week.
作者: flynnyan 时间: 2011-2-21 11:14
-- by 会员 flynnyan (2011/2/18 6:18:37)
I don't have the concrete number to give you. But, from what I heard from my peers, quite a few of us have got good internships. Many are still interviewing with the companies. Big firms are having a few rounds of interviews with some of our students. Many are is traveling to New York for interviews this week.
-- by 会员 JayZhang (2011/2/21 11:10:31)
作者: 极品老鼠 时间: 2011-2-23 22:09
官网的说法是所有的课程都在下午和晚上上课;且貌似(至少在supply chain专业)每周只有两天有课···
请问情况是否属实?如果确实如此 那么空余时间能不能得到有效地利用呢···?(例如兼职好不好找?或者课业多不多?)
作者: giligowlala 时间: 2011-2-23 23:07
Also wanna know more info. about MS in Business:Supply Chain Management. Because it just begins in 2011 fall, there is limited info. to get from its official website. Thanks!!!
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-2-24 11:16
-- by 会员 flynnyan (2011/2/18 6:18:37)
I don't have the concrete number to give you. But, from what I heard from my peers, quite a few of us have got good internships. Many are still interviewing with the companies. Big firms are having a few rounds of interviews with some of our students. Many are is traveling to New York for interviews this week.
-- by 会员 JayZhang (2011/2/21 11:10:31)
-- by 会员 flynnyan (2011/2/21 11:14:29)
Chinese students are doing ok. To start with, there ain't that many of us here. My internship this summer is in Israel. So, we are doing quite alright. It also really depends on what you want to do. Some international students are getting into big finance and consulting firms.
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-2-24 11:18
官网的说法是所有的课程都在下午和晚上上课;且貌似(至少在supply chain专业)每周只有两天有课···
请问情况是否属实?如果确实如此 那么空余时间能不能得到有效地利用呢···?(例如兼职好不好找?或者课业多不多?)
-- by 会员 极品老鼠 (2011/2/23 22:09:35)
I also have very limited knowledge about what you are asking. My focus and program are quite different from what you're looking for. I strongly recommend that you call or email masters program office to find out the details.
作者: csch 时间: 2011-2-25 13:10
官网的说法是所有的课程都在下午和晚上上课;且貌似(至少在supply chain专业)每周只有两天有课···
请问情况是否属实?如果确实如此 那么空余时间能不能得到有效地利用呢···?(例如兼职好不好找?或者课业多不多?)
-- by 会员 极品老鼠 (2011/2/23 22:09:35)
There definitely are afternoon or evening classes as every Business school does. Just depends on each semester's schedule, each course may be put at later day time. I don't think that's sth needs to worry about. If you are a full time student, you may hardly squeez some time for part-time work. Which B-school is not busy anyway.
作者: jianxinl6 时间: 2011-2-25 15:33
官网的说法是所有的课程都在下午和晚上上课;且貌似(至少在supply chain专业)每周只有两天有课···
请问情况是否属实?如果确实如此 那么空余时间能不能得到有效地利用呢···?(例如兼职好不好找?或者课业多不多?)
-- by 会员 极品老鼠 (2011/2/23 22:09:35)
I also have very limited knowledge about what you are asking. My focus and program are quite different from what you're looking for. I strongly recommend that you call or email masters program office to find out the details.
-- by 会员 JayZhang (2011/2/24 11:18:25)
1. 听说今年有两位大陆生mba退学,请问你了解这里面的情况吗?
作者: liyinghan 时间: 2011-2-25 16:43
1. 听说今年有两位大陆生mba退学,请问你了解这里面的情况吗?
2 不知道有没有提供给中国学生的不需要cosigner的贷款?
作者: csch 时间: 2011-2-26 08:35
I 've not hear about it so far. There might be personal issue if it is a truth. There is nothing can doubt about R.H Smith Busiiness School's acedemic atmosphere, educational teaching level and powerful influence as a top ranking school will hold students up in their professional developments. The career center has various resources to help building network with alumni and corporation in easten area. There are many career fairs held every year in D.C area. Smith will be your good choice. I suggest please don't count anything you heard about without being assured as an element in your decision making.
Question2 Scholarship decision will be made based on your background, GMAT score, etc. Also the office will leverage all other admitted students' level to consider as a whole. If you've been admitted, you need be patient to wait for the scholarship notice. It takes a while. Even though you don't, there are still many chances to get GA and in-state tuition benefit after you enter the school. But if you still in the applicaiton process, then that's too far to worry about scholarship.
作者: jianxinl6 时间: 2011-2-26 11:59
I 've not hear about it so far. There might be personal issue if it is a truth. There is nothing can doubt about R.H Smith Busiiness School's acedemic atmosphere, educational teaching level and powerful influence as a top ranking school will hold students up in their professional developments. The career center has various resources to help building network with alumni and corporation in easten area. There are many career fairs held every year in D.C area. Smith will be your good choice. I suggest please don't count anything you heard about without being assured as an element in your decision making.
Question2 Scholarship decision will be made based on your background, GMAT score, etc. Also the office will leverage all other admitted students' level to consider as a whole. If you've been admitted, you need be patient to wait for the scholarship notice. It takes a while. Even though you don't, there are still many chances to get GA and in-state tuition benefit after you enter the school. But if you still in the applicaiton process, then that's too far to worry about scholarship.
-- by 会员 csch (2011/2/26 8:35:38)
我得知时也感到很意外,是从在读生那里来的消息。而且两人是全奖(一个转学,一个拿到offer回国工作)。所以让我开始关心的不仅是学校的好与不好,还有适合与否的问题。或许这个问题只有成为insider时才能知道。。。我有个朋友前年从康奈尔退学,那也是很好的学校,他给我的说法是:didn’t see himself going that route for a career。他后来去了google工作,也挺好。我也只是希望能得到更多的信息来帮助了解学校。
作者: csch 时间: 2011-2-26 14:26
You already got it.
and the 2nd year, they are kind of busy now. The offers always hang around them though.
Come to join us, and you will land a good one.
作者: ibter 时间: 2011-3-1 16:35
我在上周末收到那封录取信:I am delighted to inform you that your application has been recommended for admission to the Full-Time MBA Program at the Robert H. Smith School of Business! You will shortly receive a letter from the Graduate School regarding your official application status to the University of Maryland. …………
今天又收到要我财产证明的邮件,说As soon as we receive the necessary documents from you, we will behappy to evaluate your application.
作者: csch 时间: 2011-3-2 13:32
交income statement 或者叫任何银行财产证明上去就可以
作者: liyinghan 时间: 2011-3-2 14:31
交income statement 或者叫任何银行财产证明上去就可以
-- by 会员 csch (2011/3/2 13:32:23)
这个财产证明要多少钱 ?不会是随便交个income statement就行了吧?
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-3-3 11:48
This income statement is for your I-20 form preparation. Probably it will be the same IS you use when you go to the embassy for interview.
作者: xuboran 时间: 2011-3-4 17:36
作者: flynnyan 时间: 2011-3-7 10:42
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-3-7 12:35
-- by 会员 xuboran (2011/3/4 17:36:33)
I like your G & T scores and your background. An even better method is to call the admin office to discuss about your goal. It really depends on what you would like to achieve. MSA and MSF are more academically oriented. There are some MSF and MSA students with good G and T scores. To answer your questions. I'm not sure about the job placements of the MSA students. I haven't paid much attention to those statistics. If you feel comfortable, you can share more of your background with me. I will try to give you better advice.
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-3-7 14:56
-- by 会员 flynnyan (2011/3/7 10:42:29)
I mailed my IS very soon after I decided to join Smith. And I got my I-20 very quickly after that. I think school needs IS to get the I-20 form ready. The amount on the IS will also appear on I-20. Because, school needs to get a SEVIS number for each I-20 issued and SEVIS number can be obtained when there is a proof of financial capability.
I'm just answering from my experience. For details, please contact the admin office.
Good luck
作者: puqiandi 时间: 2011-3-16 10:57
作者: baqiandll 时间: 2011-3-17 23:51
"Cert. of Finances is valid for 6 months. " Does it mean that the funds should be frozen for 6 months? If it is, how can I use the funds for my 1st year tuition and expense since it is mid-Mar now?
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-5-15 09:24
Sorry for the late reply. It's been busy. This is the website for our Chinese student association:
作者: JayZhang 时间: 2011-5-15 09:25
"Cert. of Finances is valid for 6 months. " Does it mean that the funds should be frozen for 6 months? If it is, how can I use the funds for my 1st year tuition and expense since it is mid-Mar now?
-- by 会员 baqiandll (2011/3/17 23:51:21)
I hope you have solved the problem. Yes, the money would be frozen on your account for 6 months. Hope you didn't have to use it in a hurry.
作者: bloodghost 时间: 2011-6-12 05:32
Any1 here coming to meet us in Van Munching ?
作者: sc1381246 时间: 2011-7-9 03:01
GMAT 680, PBT 620, 工作六年其中四年欧洲管理岗位,是否有可能
作者: bohrning 时间: 2011-9-9 11:29
作者: Evansuyang 时间: 2012-11-5 16:11
昨天在上海面的 Sam Kang 问到我如果不能再美国找到工作的话 backup plan是什么 又提到这两年国际生在美国找工作的情况 almost impossible(原话) 心情有些郁闷 bty 我本来面的也不好 不过韩国人Sam很nice
作者: castle0218 时间: 2012-11-5 16:17
昨天在上海面的 Sam Kang 问到我如果不能再美国找到工作的话 backup plan是什么 又提到这两年国际生在美国找工作的情况 almost impossible(原话) 心情有些郁闷 bty 我本来面的也不好 不过韩国人Sam很nice
-- by 会员 Evansuyang (2012/11/5 16:11:49)
我也面了,不过我的package还没交。面的卡的不行啊。。。加上本人GT 不好~~
作者: chinach 时间: 2012-11-5 21:36
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