3.平时修改时多尝试用不同的词句表达同一个意思,多留心一些逻辑关系严密的连接句和词。这里举个例子:大家都知道AA开头段的第一句话一般是陈述作者的论点,第二句到第四句一般是分析作者的reasoning,那么第一句和第二句话之间其实有很多种连接句式,但是我比较喜欢的是To support his conclusion/claim/view...,因为我觉得这个句子在逻辑上很紧密的把一二句连接起来了的,大家可以体会下。
4.重视结构。就是说要重视整个行文的逻辑结构,虽然最后我放弃了模板,但是没有放弃AA的结构,我当时把自己总结的AA模板里的每一宗罪(就是每一段模板)拆开,然后发现每段基本的结构大体上都可以分为:作者观点陈述、作者推理分析、概括反驳、说明可能存在的情况加以反驳、说明事实加以反驳、举例反驳、深层次分析作者犯错的原因,让步假设反驳(Unless..., the conclusion will not be well-founded之类),总结。这几部分,当然不一定每段都要这么完整。然后考试时就看怎么好些怎么写了。
就想到这么多,希望能对大家有用吧,还是那句话:不用担心,你想我这么烂的水平都狗屎到6分呢,考试前我对自己说的话就是:把该拿到的分拿到就好了,祝后面的兄弟考好!作者: HSE 时间: 2010-10-18 08:32
总结得太好了,我明天考,最担心的不是换酷酷而是AA,因为模板背不下来,想用自己的话写又怕句型太简单,或者写得太慢。今天打算练个5篇左右。谢谢LZ分享心得!作者: kamejie 时间: 2010-10-18 08:36
顶一下,实在没时间看作文,下午就考了,就怕作文写太烂导致后面考试的心情!作者: elaineyll 时间: 2010-10-18 10:00
顶!LZ能否分享一两篇习作让大家体会下?作者: vikanefan 时间: 2010-10-18 11:51
AA考题是我的第一篇习作,当时还是按照模板来的,所以模板的痕迹很重,而且极不自然,可以明显看到往七宗罪上套的痕迹,考场那篇跟这个完全不一样了,就是顺手写,想哪儿写哪儿的。 In this argument, the author concludes that the company would gain an advantage over its rival in the credit card service if it is allowed to use the symbol or logo of a well-known environmental organization on its credit card. Several reasons are proposed to support the argument. First of all, the author assumes that the company can use the logo of the environmental organization if it were to give the organization some money. Meanwhile, the author indicates that a large percentage of public is worried about the environmental issues. Then the author reasons that such kind of concern would make the policy attract new customers, increase use by existing customers, and enable the company to raise interest rates. Finally, he draws the conclusion that the use of the logo would gain the company a competitive advantage. The argument seems to be somewhat convincing at first glance, but a deeper consideration reveals that the logic reasoning is not rigorous in that the argument relies on some groundless assumptions and the evidence provided is inadequate to justify the conclusion. A close examination illuminates that the argument is problematic for the following reasons. 无根据假设:First, the author depends on the assumption that the company can donate some money in exchange for the use of the logo. However, no proof is demonstrated in the argument to support this assumption; actually, it is totally groundless. For instance, it is more likely that the organization will refuse the proposal due to its non-profit nature. Therefore, the reasoning is unwarranted without ruling out other possibilities. 样本代表性攻击:What's more, the author provides no proof to assert that customers have the same characteristic of the public. The situations in which public are involved may not be the same with what the customers are in. It is possible that the majority of the surveyed public is concerned with the environment issues, while the majority of the customers have no interest in the issues. If this is the case, it is unwarranted for the author to establish a general conclusion that the policy which may be applicable to the public will also be useful on the customers. 无根据假设:In fact, the most serious problem undermines the reasoning is that there is little causal-effect relationship between concern about environmental issues and the willingness of donation to the organization by the customers through using the credit card. The author depends on the assumption that people who are concerned about the environmental issues will probably increase use of the credit card to donate to the organization. However, no proof is demonstrated in the argument to support this assumption; actually, it is totally groundless. For instance, it is more likely that those people will buy less products to reduce the wastes in order to protect the environment, thus using the creit card less frequently. Therefore, the reasoning is unwarranted without ruling out other possibilities. 充分性攻击:Even if the above problems are not real, the conclusion is also doubtful. Since the argument bases on the assumption that more customers and higher interest rates are adequate to give birth to competitive advantage in credit card service industry. However, the author fails to provide any evidence to prove the assumption, thus making it appear gratuitous. In fact, some other elements also influence competitive advantage, such as the amount of money donated. If the money donated is much more than the money gained from the increased customers and from the higher rates, the competitive advantage would be largely weakened. Therefore, only considering the increased customers and the interest rates might not help the company to decide whether it can achieve the goal of gaining competitive advantage. In conclusion, the author fails to justify his claim that the use of logo will gain competitive advantage for the company. Because the evidence cited in the analysis is too weak to support the claim and the reasoning is far from arriving at a valid conclusion. To make the argument more logically acceptable, the author must convince us that people who are concerned about the environmental issues will use the credit card more frequently to donate to the organization. In addition, the author should provide concrete evidence to prove that the money donated will not surpass the money gained from the increased use and the raised interest rates of the credit card. The claim will not be well demonstrated until the author makes an impeccable reasoning based on more solid evidence.作者: vikanefan 时间: 2010-10-18 11:57
AI考场那篇我没写过,就是以前写了个提纲,我AI的提纲大概按照高频和鸡精写了24个 松下的例子是考场上用到的,Jack当时忘了临时想了个国美觉得做反面教材更好,就随手写了。 36. “Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team. Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done.” In my view, a wise leader is important to a group without whom the group will not be organized and work towards a common goal. However, the leader will not play an important role in the team without other team members’ support and help. We should not overemphasize the importance of working as a team just as we should not overstate the importance of the team leader, and the best way is to combine the two aspects closely. Leader is important in a team. Who has the highest enthusiastic and energy towards the work can best encourage his team members to finish the job and take the whole group out of the difficulties. E.g Jack Welch. Without a good leader, the team will fall into disunited parts and miss the advance direction. Without the team members’ support and help, the leader can do nothing to the problem. Members do not only help the leader to divide a huge problem into different parts and finish them with small parts each person but also contribute some precious advice to the leader assisting him to carry out a better decision. E.g Konosuke(松下幸之助)is honored to be the god of management in Japan and he established the most famous company Panasonic. One of his most famous management thoughts is to listen carefully to the frontline workers’ advice. His and his company’s success cannot be achieved without the contribution of millions of workers’ contribution and advice. We should combine these two aspects closely, because neither part can be separated from the other to be successful. Leader and his team members should closely work together toward a joint goal.作者: vikanefan 时间: 2010-10-18 12:04
忘说了,平时练习时可以尝试写一些3行以上的长句子,反正我考试的时候感觉用了挺多,不知道会不会是个加分因素,至于长难句的构造可以参考下杨鹏难句里的方法,无非就是加个插入语,用一些所谓的并列结构,例如either...or...,加上很复杂的修饰成分啦,加上同位语(GMAT自己是很喜欢用同位语的,所以我练作文的时候有意注意了用同位语代替定语从句)再整几个倒装省略什么的,不过一定要注意语法啊。作者: elaineyll 时间: 2010-10-18 16:44
非常感谢!不知道LZ的AA习作是在30分钟内写完的吗?我常常都写不完五段体呢。。作者: vikanefan 时间: 2010-10-19 23:46
这个习作不是,因为字数太多了,而且第一篇写,不过考试的时候AA确实写了五段,但应该没这么多字。我觉得有个400多字就差不多了吧,不是所有题目都能写个500字多,也不一定都要写5段体,个人理解。作者: 番茄大丸子 时间: 2010-10-20 15:39
LZ总结的很好 可是我觉得自己估计不行了 明天考试 我一直没怎么准备作文 ... 沾下LZ喜气 祝我明天好运吧作者: lilydenris 时间: 2010-10-23 15:30
太感谢楼主了,一直因为要不要背模板这个问题纠结着,尤其是AI,实在不想背模板,总觉得好像用了模板整篇文章都被限制死了,不像是自己写的。。。看来还是不要追求华丽辞藻另外,还是多看范文多记有用词组,自己多练练比较好~先定下心去看题目了,今天争取写上三篇作者: cuteyaoyao 时间: 2013-5-16 15:51