
标题: 求教GWD两道,GWD32-Q2&“PP-28” [打印本页]

作者: luopite    时间: 2010-10-15 19:35
标题: 求教GWD两道,GWD32-Q2&“PP-28”
The spectacular disintegration of a comet last year in full view of ground- and space-based telescopes provided new insights into how comets form and may thus force a rethinking of the role of comets in the delivery of organic compounds to the evolving Earth.
A.The spectacular disintegration of a comet last year in full view of ground- and space-based telescopes provided new insights into how comets form and may thus force
B.The spectacular disintegration of a comet last year in full view of ground- as well as space-based telescopes, provided new insights into how comets form and thus possibly forcing
C.When a comet's spectacular disintegration occurred in full view of ground- and space-based telescopes last year, it provided new insights into how comets form and thus may possibly force
D.Last year, in full view of ground- and space-based telescopes, a comet's spectacular disintegration provided new insights into how comets form and thus possibly forcing
E.Last year, in full view of ground- as well as space-based telescopes, the spectacular disintegration of a comet has provided new insights into how comets form and may thus force
虽然后来仔细看下D错的一塌糊涂(选错也是出于模考时间的原因),但是怎么看A也是不对的。The spectacular disintegration of a comet last year ,这里的last  year修饰的是什么?是comet还是disintegration?当时做题的时候就是因为这个把A排除了。请问各位NN,

Q1:GWD32-Q2 Written in ink or engraved by stylus, more than 2,000 letters and documents on wooden tablets excavated at the site of the old roman fort at vindolanda in northern England are yielding a historical account of the military garrison in the first and second centuries that are so vivid in their details about personal life as they are from Pompeii
A.are so vivid in their details about personal life as they are
B.are as vivid in their details of personal life as those gathered as vivid in their detail about personal life as that gathered as vivid in its details of personal life as that gathered so vivid in its details of personal life as is that
这里的that到底指代什么?letters and documents还是account?  gathered form P,从P搜集的,account是描述的意思,描述应该是不能被搜集的吧?只有信件和文档才能被搜集。但是又存在一个问题了,描述是可以说生动,但是信件和文档能说生动吗?不过are as vivid in their details ,这里说了书中和文档中的细节,细节可以说生动。
作者: luopite    时间: 2010-10-15 19:36
作者: zhangyunkai5    时间: 2010-10-15 20:20
第一题根据最后的and去 直接选出A了
第二题首先单复数排除ABC, 错 选D
作者: luopite    时间: 2010-10-15 23:07
第一题根据最后的and去 直接选出A了
第二题首先单复数排除ABC, 错 选D
-- by 会员 zhangyunkai5 (2010/10/15 20:20:31)


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