11月6日、8日、10日和13日,QS全球MBA巡展秋季展(QS World MBA Tour)再度登陆北京、上海、台北和香港。这次全球MBA巡展带来了全球各大洲的70所商学院:美国、波士顿大学管理学院、乔治华盛顿大学商学院、HULT商学院、法国INSEAD、ESSEC、HEC、瑞士IMD、西班牙IE、新加坡国立大学商学院,中欧工商管理学院、长江商学院、北京大学BiMBA等等。
ChaseDream做为WORLD MBA TOUR的全球合作伙伴,在本次活动中将进行现场赠书活动。到达现场的同学均可获赠《做更好的自己》——Top MBA申请指南 一册。
除了巡展外,一些学校还提供了一对一的深度交流机会。详情请见1楼回复的CONNECT 121活动。
MBA巡展 北京站
日期:2010年11月6日 周六
时间:14:00 – 18:00
12:00 到场登记开始
14:00 - 15:00 商学院招生负责人专场讲座
参与院校:Robert H. Smith(Maryland), IESE, CEIBS, Richard Ivey
15:00 - 18:00 主会场开放 (参展学校列表参见2楼回复)
MBA巡展 上海站
日期:2010年11月8日 周一
时间:17:00 – 21:00
15:00 到场登记开始
17:00 - 18:00 商学院招生负责人专场讲座
参与院校:CEIBS, EMLYON, George Mason, Manchester BS
18:00 - 21:00 主会场开放(参展学校列表参见2楼回复)
MBA巡展 台北站
日期:2010年11月10日 周三
时间:17:00 – 21:00
地点:台北六福皇宫大饭店(Westin Taipei),台北市台湾3区南京东路133号日程安排:
15:00 到场登记开始
17:00 - 18:00 商学院招生负责人专场讲座
参与院校:Robert H.Smith/Maryland, ESADE and other leading business schools
18:00 - 21:00 主会场开放(参展学校列表参见2楼回复)
MBA巡展 香港站
日期:2010年11月13日 周六
时间:14:00 – 18:00
12:00 到场登记开始
14:00 - 15:00 商学院招生负责人专场讲座
参与院校:University of Western Ontario, Boston University,
Richard Ivey School of Business, HKUST
15:00 - 18:00 主会场开放(参展学校列表参见2楼回复)
ChaseDream做为WORLD MBA TOUR的全球合作伙伴,在本次活动中将进行现场赠书活动。到达现场的同学均可获赠《做更好的自己》——Top MBA申请指南 一册。
QS全球MBA巡展主办 TopMBA Connect 121由QS World MBA Tour的主办方QS公司创办,专门为全球领先商学院和高质量候选人提供一对一深入面谈的机会,特点是提前预约,无需排队,不受干扰。优秀的候选人可以充分利用这个机会,给院校的关键招生主管,留下至关重要的深刻印象,为自己的申请之路开个好头。目前每年9月-11月,在全球14个重要城市举办。 QS公司执行董事Nunzio Quacquarelli说:“来参加Connect 1.2.1活动的学校将直接面向中国最有前途的人才,以最简化的方式将他们招入旗下。为了确保将信息传达给中国的普通公众,各个学校都做出了很大的投入,因此,对于那些有兴趣申请MBA的人来说,这的确是一次很好的机会,可以和那些非常主动并且期望可以录取他们的学校进行高质量的沟通。” 2010中国大陆Connect 1?2?1日程 Connect 1?2?1 北京站
Connect 1?2?1 上海站
Connect 1?2?1 北京参加院校
Connect 1?2?1 上海参加院校
注册网址:https://g.chasedream.com/Connect-121-2010 , 提交个人资料,选定自己想见的学校,经筛选,主办方和院校会和您联系(请留下手机号,电子邮箱),并确认参加一对一面谈的具体时间。 |
Beijing | |
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya | SPAIN |
Hitotsubashi University | Japan |
Nanyang Technological University | Singapore |
Thunderbird School of Global Management | USA |
American University, Kogod School of Business? | USA |
Hult International Business School | USA |
Babson College, Olin | USA |
Baruch College - Zicklin School of Business Administration, City University of New York | USA |
Boston University School of Management | USA |
CLU Graduate Program in Business (California Lutheran University) | USA |
Kent Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
Claremont Graduate University, The Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management | USA |
Southern Methodist University, SMU Cox School of Business | USA |
Cranfield School of Management? | UNITED KINGDOM |
De Paul University, Kellstadt Graduate School of Business | USA |
ESADE Business School | SPAIN |
George Washington University School of Business | USA |
Georgia State University - J. Mack Robinson? | USA |
GISMA Business School? | GERMANY |
HEC Paris. | FRANCE |
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology | HONG KONG |
IESE Business School | SPAIN |
Imperial College Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
IE Business School | SPAIN |
London Business School LBS | UNITED KINGDOM |
Manchester Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
McCombs School of Business University of Texas at Austin | USA |
Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne | AUSTRALIA |
Nanyang Business School, Singapore | SINGAPORE |
Pepperdine University's Graziadio School | USA |
University of St. Gallen? | SWITZERLAND |
University of Edinburgh Business School Scotland | UNITED KINGDOM |
Tulane University A.B. Freeman School of Business | USA |
University of Alberta MBA Program | CANADA |
University of California, Irvine-Merage School | USA |
University of California, Riverside - The A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management | USA |
University of Hertfordshire | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Toronto Joseph L. Rotman School of Management | CANADA |
University of Western Ontario, Richard Ivey School of Business | CANADA |
Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong | AUSTRALIA |
Vanderbilt Univ. - Owen Graduate School of Management? | USA |
Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School | BELGIUM |
Warwick Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
Reims Management School | FRANCE |
IMD - International | SWITZERLAND |
INSEAD Full Time (Fontainebleau) | FRANCE |
Duke University, Fuqua School of Business | USA |
Suffolk University School of Management | USA |
Temple University, Fox School of Business | USA |
University of Maryland, Robert H Smith School of Business | USA |
York University, Schulich School of Business | CANADA |
George Mason University School of Management | USA |
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign MBA | USA |
University of Pittsburgh Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business | USA |
University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business | USA |
Washington University, Olin School of Business | USA |
Queens School of Business | CANADA |
Tel Aviv University Recanati Graduate School | ISRAEL |
Waseda Business School, Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University | JAPAN |
EMLYON Business School | FRANCE |
ESSEC Business School. | FRANCE |
ESMT European School of Management and Technology GMBH? | GERMANY |
National University of Singapore - Business School | SINGAPORE |
China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) | CHINA |
IAE de Paris | FRANCE |
Beijing International MBA Programs - Peking University - BiMBA | CHINA |
University of San Diego | USA |
Johns Hopkins University, Carey Business School | USA |
University of St. Thomas | USA |
AUEB Athens University of Economics and Business | GREECE |
Wall Street Journal Asia | HONG KONG |
The University of Hong Kong - HKU | HONG KONG |
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, MBA Program | CHINA |
Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO | Russia |
Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance | CHINA |
PLT | |
University of Porto Business School | PORTUGAL |
Shanghai | |
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya | SPAIN |
Hitotsubashi University | Japan |
Nanyang Technological University | Singapore |
American University, Kogod School of Business? | USA |
Hult International Business School | USA |
Ashridge Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
Aston Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
Baruch College - Zicklin School of Business Administration, City University of New York | USA |
Boston University School of Management | USA |
CLU Graduate Program in Business (California Lutheran University) | USA |
Kent Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
Claremont Graduate University, The Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management | USA |
Southern Methodist University, SMU Cox School of Business | USA |
Cranfield School of Management? | UNITED KINGDOM |
De Paul University, Kellstadt Graduate School of Business | USA |
ESADE Business School | SPAIN |
George Washington University School of Business | USA |
Georgia State University - J. Mack Robinson? | USA |
GISMA Business School? | GERMANY |
HEC Paris. | FRANCE |
Henley Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology | HONG KONG |
IESE Business School | SPAIN |
Imperial College Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
IE Business School | SPAIN |
Leeds University Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
London Business School LBS | UNITED KINGDOM |
Manchester Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
McCombs School of Business University of Texas at Austin | USA |
Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne | AUSTRALIA |
Nanyang Business School, Singapore | SINGAPORE |
Nottingham University Business School? | UNITED KINGDOM |
Pepperdine University's Graziadio School | USA |
University of St. Gallen? | SWITZERLAND |
University of Edinburgh Business School Scotland | UNITED KINGDOM |
Tulane University A.B. Freeman School of Business | USA |
University of Alberta MBA Program | CANADA |
University of California, Irvine-Merage School | USA |
University of California, Riverside - The A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management | USA |
University of Hertfordshire | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Toronto Joseph L. Rotman School of Management | CANADA |
University of Western Ontario, Richard Ivey School of Business | CANADA |
Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong | AUSTRALIA |
Vanderbilt Univ. - Owen Graduate School of Management? | USA |
Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School | BELGIUM |
Warwick Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
Reims Management School | FRANCE |
IMD - International | SWITZERLAND |
INSEAD Full Time (Fontainebleau) | FRANCE |
EDHEC Business School | FRANCE |
Duke University, Fuqua School of Business | USA |
Suffolk University School of Management | USA |
Temple University, Fox School of Business | USA |
University of Maryland, Robert H Smith School of Business | USA |
York University, Schulich School of Business | CANADA |
George Mason University School of Management | USA |
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign MBA | USA |
University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business | USA |
Washington University, Olin School of Business | USA |
Queens School of Business | CANADA |
Robert H. Lee Graduate School, Sauder School of Business, Sauder School of Business | CANADA |
Tel Aviv University Recanati Graduate School | ISRAEL |
Waseda Business School, Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University | JAPAN |
EMLYON Business School | FRANCE |
ESSEC Business School. | FRANCE |
ESMT European School of Management and Technology GMBH? | GERMANY |
National University of Singapore - Business School | SINGAPORE |
China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) | CHINA |
IAE de Paris | FRANCE |
Beijing International MBA Programs - Peking University - BiMBA | CHINA |
University of San Diego | USA |
Johns Hopkins University, Carey Business School | USA |
University of St. Thomas | USA |
Wall Street Journal Asia | HONG KONG |
The University of Hong Kong - HKU | HONG KONG |
Fudan University - School of Management | CHINA |
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, MBA Program | CHINA |
Doshisha University | JAPAN |
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management? | GERMANY |
Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO | Russia |
Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance | CHINA |
PLT | |
Globis University | JAPAN |
University of Porto Business School | PORTUGAL |
Taipei | |
Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne | AUSTRALIA |
Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School | BELGIUM |
University of Toronto Joseph L. Rotman School of Management | CANADA |
Queens School of Business | CANADA |
Shanghai Jiao Tong University | CHINA |
China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) | CHINA |
Beijing International MBA Programs - Peking University - BiMBA | CHINA |
Guanghua School of Management, Peking University | CHINA |
HEC Paris. | FRANCE |
Reims Management School | FRANCE |
INSEAD Full Time (Fontainebleau) | FRANCE |
EDHEC Business School | FRANCE |
ESSEC Business School. | FRANCE |
IAE Aix-en-Provence - University of Aix-Marseille | FRANCE |
GISMA Business School? | GERMANY |
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology | HONG KONG |
Wall Street Journal Asia | HONG KONG |
The University of Hong Kong - HKU | HONG KONG |
Waseda Business School, Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University | JAPAN |
The NUCB Graduate School - Nagoya University of Commerce and Business | JAPAN |
Doshisha University | JAPAN |
Globis University | JAPAN |
Nanyang Technological University | Singapore |
Nanyang Business School, Singapore | SINGAPORE |
National University of Singapore - Business School | SINGAPORE |
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya | SPAIN |
ESADE Business School | SPAIN |
IESE Business School | SPAIN |
IE Business School | SPAIN |
IMD - International | SWITZERLAND |
National Chengchi University (Tax No.03807654) | Taiwan |
FormosaMBA | Taiwan |
EnvisonMBA | TAIWAN |
Kent Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
Manchester Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
University of Hertfordshire | UNITED KINGDOM |
Thunderbird School of Global Management | USA |
American University, Kogod School of Business? | USA |
Hult International Business School | USA |
Baruch College - Zicklin School of Business Administration, City University of New York | USA |
Boston University School of Management | USA |
CLU Graduate Program in Business (California Lutheran University) | USA |
Claremont Graduate University, The Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management | USA |
Southern Methodist University, SMU Cox School of Business | USA |
De Paul University, Kellstadt Graduate School of Business | USA |
George Washington University School of Business | USA |
Georgia State University - J. Mack Robinson? | USA |
Tulane University A.B. Freeman School of Business | USA |
University of California, Irvine-Merage School | USA |
University of California, Riverside - The A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management | USA |
UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business | USA |
University of Maryland, Robert H Smith School of Business | USA |
University of Michigan, Ross School of Business | USA |
George Mason University School of Management | USA |
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign MBA | USA |
University of Michigan, Ross School of Business – Global MBA | USA |
University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business | USA |
Washington University, Olin School of Business | USA |
Johns Hopkins University, Carey Business School | USA |
University of St. Thomas | USA |
City University of Seattle | USA |
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