AI All citizens should be required to perform some public services. It will not only benefit the country but also the individuals themselves. AA A company all plans to move(大致是这意思) all its operations in a single location.后面原文忘了,大致意思是调查发现这样做公司的profitability 会比以前好(than before),并且可以cut costs and maintain supervise all its employees.
阅读 四篇全是JJ 第一篇黑人妇女卖化妆品 JJ很全,不解释了 第二篇医院scorecard制度 有一题作者的态度 还有一题为什么这种制度的使用还会增加? 第三篇妇女政治人物 1. 问B没干过什么?选没参加过政治竞选,E 2. 主旨题:我选的是D貌似,有advocate貌似 3. spokesman说明什么? 4. B没在下列哪个地方干过?选courts of law
有一题是讲出版社的,他们原来是给作者版税royalty的,是根据销量的百分比吧(不确定),现在他们有两个方案,一个还是按照原来这种方式给版税,另外一种是他们付的钱是要comparable to other books(不确定)的,所以作家们就担心了,这样做出版商会reduce risk,他们赚的钱就少了。 选项有publishing们have variety of authors;authors XXX in widely quality 待后人补充吧
第一题就悲剧了,…….a variety of fire……. 用单数还是复数,纠结后选了复数
XXX(一大段修饰语) 一种人,who are XXX 倒装句 there lives, live, lives, ……
第一题,纠结了3分钟… 说的是一个人每天挣相同的工资,上个星期一共挣了600, 如果他的工资每天多30,那么他可以工作一天同样可以挣600,问他上星期了几天? 设两个未知数联立方程组就可以,或者直接猜答案:5 x 120= 4 x 150, 选5天
Because visual inspection cannot reliably distinguish certain skin discolorations from skin cancers, dermatologists at clinics have needed to perform tests of skin tissue taken from patients. At Westville Hospital, dermatological diagnostic costs were reduced by the purchase of a new imaging machine that diagnoses skin cancer in such cases as reliably as the tissue tests do. Consequently, even though the machine is expensive, a dermatological clinic in Westville is considering buying one to reduce diagnostic costs.
Which of the following would it be most useful for the clinic to establish in order to make its decision?
A. Whether the visits of patients who require diagnosis of skin discolorations tend to be shorter in duration at the clinic than at the hospital B. Whether the principles on which the machine operates have been known to science for a long time C. Whether the machine at the clinic would get significantly less heavy use than the machine at the hospital does D. Whether in certain cases of skin discoloration, visual inspection is sufficient to make a diagnosis of skin cancer E. Whether hospitals in other parts of the country have purchased such imaging machines