标题: 885-sectionC-17.关于but。 [打印本页] 作者: veryglad2cu 时间: 2010-9-20 16:27 标题: 885-sectionC-17.关于but。 Most North Carolina ski resorts broadcastmusic onto the slopes; skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and “beautifulmusic” slopes, there are no slopes without music. (A) skiers canchoose among hard rock, soft pop, and “beautiful music” slopes, there are (B) because skierscan choose hard rock, soft pop, or “beautiful music,” there are (C) however,skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, “beautiful music,” and (D) althoughskiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and “beautiful music” slopes,there are(D) (E) skiers canchoose among hard rock, soft pop, “beautiful music” slopes, but
这道题选D。没问题。我一开始选成E了。but做连词要接句子。可是but也可以作介词啊。。 如:All people go to the zoo but you. 我在想是不是如果要想E正确的话,就必须改成“but slopes without music”呢?