等斑斑来确认作者: arthur7997 时间: 2010-9-18 03:24
From mba.com, the policy about retake the GMAT
You may take the GMAT exam once every 31 calendar days and no more than five (5) times in a rolling 12-month period. If you score an 800 on the exam, you will be prohibited from testing for five (5) years from your exam date.
The retest policy applies even if your score from a test administration within that time period is canceled by you, Pearson VUE and/or GMAC (see Canceling Your Scores). GMAT Customer Service representatives and test administrators are not authorized to waive or modify the retest policy for any reason.作者: coocooper 时间: 2010-9-18 07:22
我也看过这个policy啊。。可是还是不知道once every 31 calendar days是什么个算法耶。。。求指教。。作者: oyaya 时间: 2010-9-18 07:25
就是往後推31天 所以你要 10/15以後才能報名作者: XYXB 时间: 2010-9-18 10:49