Q9:By merging its two publishing divisions, the company will increase their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks.
A. their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging
B. from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges
C. to 10 percent from 6 percent in their share of the $21 billion book market in the country, a market ranging
D. in its share, from 6 percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges
E. to 10 percent from 6 percent its share of the country’s $21 billion book market, which ranges
Answer:E why not B? 我选D, E中to 10 percent from 6 percent 与 its share 是什么关系?
Jerry: E中的to 10 percent from 6 percent作状语 修increase, 而不是its share
那么请问its share of the country’s $21 billion book market在句中又是做什么成分?谢谢!
我好像曾听白大侠说gmat正确选项里不会出现A of B's C的用法,怎么这一条也有例外么?
By merging its two publishing divisions, the company will increase their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks.
选A. their=publishing divisions
from ... to...
a market同位语
问题是这个share应该理解成company的,还是那两个publishing division的,我倾向于前者。
这两个divisions合并后成了一个,原来的都不存在了,还怎么把their share 从..提高到..
同意marie mm,再回到我的问题吧!
Q9:By merging its two publishing divisions, the company will increase their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks.
A. their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging
B. from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges
C. to 10 percent from 6 percent in their share of the $21 billion book market in the country, a market ranging
D. in its share, from 6 percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges
E. to 10 percent from 6 percent its share of the country’s $21 billion book market, which ranges
Answer:E why not B? 我选D, E中to 10 percent from 6 percent 与 its share 是什么关系?
Jerry: E中的to 10 percent from 6 percent作状语 修increase, 而不是its share
那么请问its share of the country’s $21 billion book market在句中又是做什么成分?谢谢!
increase its share (of..) from % to %
pumpkin mm的说法真是很有道理,而且我也一直觉得这里用a market同位语是最清楚的表达。但是一直困惑于到底是share of the divisions 还是share of the company ,即 their share 还是its share,(their shares 已被mm 说服是错的)。
我的想法是从逻辑上来讲,不管这个公司内部有多少个divisions,它与整个国家的市场(the country's market)来比较的话,就是以一个公司为单位来比,即各个公司在这个市场上所占的份额,而非其内部的几个division。换句话说,如果这个公司还有其他的第三个division的话,只是提高了这两个合并后的division 在市场上的份额的话,对公司来讲意义并不大。即公司要比较的是作为一个整体单位在市场上的份额。(有点绕口令,不知大家是否明白我的意思?)
然而这题的难点就在于满足了我所说的逻辑问题的选项就没有使用a market同位语这样的清楚表达方式!
一个公司在某方面的市场份额不会因为几个部门的合并而增加。合并后,部门的市场份额将增加。a market指代清晰。
sry, 我认为明显应该是company的share. 合并部门提高公司竞争力是惯常的做法,况且这里根本未提到是何divisions, 比如完全可能合并的是比如"后勤部"和"客户部",这样的话描述他们在market里的share增加是nonsensical的,题目也没有基础支持相似的假设.
E在我看来没有任何问题. 欢迎讨论
Tony, 关于何division 文中倒是明确地说two publishing divisions。
不过偶还是坚持原来的想法:“合并是强强联手,资源优化,其合并的结果提高公司在整个市场上的份额,而非合并本身提高两个部门在市场上的份额” 这里应该是 1+1 > 2 而非 1+1 = 2!否则这公司不是在自欺欺人?!!!
LES,我的意思是: 不知道是哪两个divisions, 如果是非营业性的division, 根本无所谓的market share 可谈. 当然如果是IBD或者Fixed Income Division, 那是有在自己领域的share的,但题目不支持关于此点的任何联想.
E的"to ten percent from five percent"前置我想大家没有任何异议吧. from..to...确实比to...from...要常见,尤其是to & from前后两部分比较对称时. 但并不代表to..from...是错的, 比如 to 50% from the lowest level in the past three years, 此时因为from后面部分较长,这里读起来就很通顺. 这里的本质区别不是语法对错. 此外, E的 country's 是规范的, 此外能用's的我想大家也都比较清楚: 人,高级动物, 城市,政府学校其他一些组织等. E应该是没有错误的.
D的错误就在最后. GMAT对which 的要求不是我把选项看了3秒种后看清它修饰谁了,而是要求第一眼! 要跳跃的话一般必须在单复上有所区别.
LES,状语的位置是根据作者的需要而定的, 比如他想强调的内容或者对句子整体的结构安排. 这里作者要强调的是"increase to 10 percent" 这个动态变化, 比如OG 259, "bringing to 34 the number", 所以把壮语前置,这样一来也能使which从句放在最后, 非常清晰.
想再谈一谈A选项. 关于A,俺前面的理由不能否定"their"(看错了,对不起). 这里,我基本同意LES的观点. division也许有时侯能拥有share, 但和company比哪个常见得多,哪个更自然? A还有其他两个毛病:
1)壮语后置. by merging its divisions, 作者表述的重点是合并后带来的变化, 而后置后最后的同位语让人感觉重心在a market or its share上,语义没有E好. 大家可以仔细体会一下.
2) 同位语的应用. 个人感觉这是个难点. 同位语起到指代的作用, 可以是对前面句子内容的概括,也可以指前面的名词,此时其作用和代词有一定相似. A中的a market 由于不是中心词(share of the market), 所以这里用a market 作前面非中心词的同位语并不好. 见OG208. "composed of tissues...., tissues..."这里虽然前面也有of, 但tissue作明确的宾语. OG中其他情况也都是中心词. 此题这种情况用从句更好.
Q9:By merging its two publishing divisions, the company will increase their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks.
A. their share of the country’s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging
B. from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges
C. to 10 percent from 6 percent in their share of the $21 billion book market in the country, a market ranging
D. in its share, from 6 percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges
E. to 10 percent from 6 percent its share of the country’s $21 billion book market, which ranges
大全376,补充70, In Egypt in the late Paleolithic period, the climate changed, pastures became deserts, and the inhabitants were forced to withdraw to the land bordering the Nile from their hunting grounds.
(A) inhabitants were forced to withdraw to the land bordering the Nile from their hunting grounds
(B) inhabitants had been forced to withdraw from their hunting grounds to the land that bordered the Nile
(C) inhabitants were forced to withdraw from their hunting grounds to the land bordering the Nile
(D) inhabitants having been forced to, withdrew from their hunting grounds to the land that bordered the Nile(C)
(E) inhabitants withdrew, because they were forced to, from their hunting grounds to the land bordering the Nile
114. From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids.
(A) baggage so light
(B) baggage being so light
(C) baggage, yet being so light
(D) baggage, and so light(E)
(E) baggage yet was so light
to 10 percent from 6 percent 一点问题都没有,这是故意迷惑我们的。我们似乎只熟悉from 6 percent to 10 percent?
不过tianwanGG你举的这个例子里A把from to 变成to from是有歧义的
可以理解成正常的withdraw to <the land bordering the Nile> from their hunting grounds
但也可以是错误的withdraw to the land <bordering the Nile from their hunting grounds>
可是楼主的这道题from to到to from倒不至于产生类似的歧义
此外我还是认为如果两个divisions已经被merged了,再说增加their market share有点说不过去.即使理解为their share, 那么6%是两个division原来所占市场份额,10%则应该是合并以后总公司所占的份额了吧,毕竟they已经不存在了.那么用一个their来修饰两个分属不同物主的事务,逻辑上是不是有歧义? 从这个角度讲不如用its
谢谢merie mm。偶被LZM坑了。
B. from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges
谢谢merie mm。偶被LZM坑了。
B. from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges
同意E. B有3个不好:
1,B中in the country 该变了原句中country的修饰关系,仔细读A,B,E中关于country's 和in the country就可以分辨出来
2。increase A from 2 to 10, 可以倒装为 increase to 10 from 2 A, 但是, increase from 2 to 10 A,觉得有点怪。
3,B中which 有3个可以指待,share, market, country, 而指代share,market时逻辑意思没有办法区分是谁对。但是大全114中which的指代从逻辑意思上只可能是canoe
同意E. B有3个不好:
1,B中in the country 该变了原句中country的修饰关系,仔细读A,B,E中关于country's 和in the country就可以分辨出来
2。increase A from 2 to 10, 可以倒装为 increase to 10 from 2 A, 但是, increase from 2 to 10 A,觉得有点怪。
3,B中which 有3个可以指待,share, market, country, 而指代share,market时逻辑意思没有办法区分是谁对。但是大全114中which的指代从逻辑意思上只可能是canoe
我原本选B 现在被说服 改E 了
我觉得可以 但是 23 楼的讲解也挺有道理 这题实在不好作答
还有妹妹想跳楼 就看一下我发的帖子 可能就不想跳了吧
既然题中不论its share 还是their share都可以根据单复数找到对应的指代,那么its和their就不该作为判断的标准;从其他方面来看,A也不错。
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