
标题: 这个月的狗狗,新题似乎,没思路诶,大家讨论一下吧~ [打印本页]

作者: vicky_bj2008    时间: 2010-9-9 11:53
标题: 这个月的狗狗,新题似乎,没思路诶,大家讨论一下吧~
Last year, Airline company's profits decreased. This year, oil prices increased and the company added some new flights. Since some other companies which also faced with oil prices increase but didn't add new flights increased their profits. The only way for this company to increase profits is to  remove those new flights.
作者: lyria    时间: 2010-9-11 17:07
1 去年decrease不代表今年有这个趋势2别的公司和自己公司具体情况不一样
3说到the only way,那就是fail to take into account other factors呗。。。

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