That educators have not anticipated the impact of microcomputer technology can hardly be said that it is their faut: Alvin Toffler, one of the most prominent students of the future, did not even mention microcomputers in Future Shock, published in 1970.
B) That educator have not anticipated the impact of microcomputer technology can hardly be said to be at fault
C) It can hardly be said that it is the fault of educators who have not anticipated the impact of microcomputer technology
D) It can hardly be said that educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact of microcomputer technology
E) The fact that educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact of microcomputer technology can hardly be said
我在B和D答案之間掙扎了一下。結果選了B。因為感覺後面的句子將的是Alvin Toffler。於是覺得需要和前的主語paralle。所以選的B。OG的解釋是:
Can hardly be said to be at fault does not grammatically complete the subordiante clause. 實在是不理解啊。。。
-- by 会员 176568418 (2010/9/5 22:39:41)