
标题: 求助 OG12- CR88 [打印本页]

作者: bdsjb116    时间: 2010-9-1 13:00
标题: 求助 OG12- CR88
88. Businesses are suffering because of a lack of money available for development loans. To help businesses, the government plans to modify the income-tax structure in order to induce individual taxpayers to put a larger portion of their incomes into retirement savings accounts, because as more money is deposited in such accounts, more money becomesavailable to borrowers.
Which of the following, if true, raises the most serious doubt regarding the effectiveness of the government’s plan to increase the amount of money available for development loans for businesses?
(A) When levels of personal retirement savings increase, consumer borrowing always increases correspondingly.
(B) The increased tax revenue the government would receive as a result of business expansion would not offset the loss in revenue from personal income taxes during the first year of the plan.
(C) Even with tax incentives, some people will choose not to increase their levels of retirement savings.
(D) Bankers generally will not continue to lend money to businesses whose prospective earnings are insufficient to meet their loan repayment schedules.
(E) The modified tax structure would give all taxpayers, regardless of their incomes, the same tax savings for a given increase in their retirement savings.

答案是A 可D为什么不对呢?
作者: 花子落落    时间: 2010-9-1 13:59
这题就是说,政府要让这些存款与投资增加,所以让纳税人可以免税存钱或是投资。A 指出这不一定会让公司有更多钱来借,因为那些纳税人看到自己的积蓄多了,也就去借更多的钱。
在美国,你要去借钱,一定要有偿还的可能,不然银行不会贸贸然借钱给你。一般人是用房产来抵押,但也可以用退休金来做 collateral 的。所以退休金存款若高了,collateral 就更多,那就可以借多一点的钱。
作者: bdsjb116    时间: 2010-9-1 14:44
谢谢ls 仔细看看发现D是无关选项 我想多了
作者: cuson    时间: 2011-3-30 21:04
A中cnsumer贷的钱多了,所以导致business没有钱贷了? 我怎么觉得不可能啊
作者: phoenixrocks    时间: 2011-5-7 16:04
问一句题外话,B选项 在说什么意思阿?我则么看不懂?
B) The increased tax revenue the government would receive as a result of business expansion would not offset the loss in revenue from personal income taxes during the first year of the plan.
作者: lovepunch    时间: 2011-5-7 17:27
问一句题外话,B选项 在说什么意思阿?我则么看不懂?
B) The increased tax revenue the government would receive as a result of business expansion would not offset the loss in revenue from personal income taxes during the first year of the plan.
-- by 会员 phoenixrocks (2011/5/7 16:04:58)

作者: anyoneusethis    时间: 2011-7-20 16:26
C~为什么不可以呢?有些人不存retirement savings accounts,money available是不是就少了?
作者: gourmettsu    时间: 2011-7-22 19:41
作者: herminliu    时间: 2011-7-22 21:45
结论:用tax incentive的方法来鼓励个人多储蓄,使得银行的储蓄增加可以借给business?简言之就是:钱增多,可以足够放贷

(A) When levels of personal retirement savings increase, consumer borrowing always increases correspondingly.==>储蓄是增加了,但是又被consumer借走了,总得来说最后储蓄没有增加,银行没有足够的钱借给business==>这个incentive没有达到效果,weaken了conclusion
(B) The increased tax revenue the government would receive as a result of business expansion would not offset the loss in revenue from personal income taxes during the first year of the plan.==> tax incentive只是题干中的一个手段,不是因果关系的因果因素。所以关于tax incentive的都是无关因素
(C) Even with tax incentives, some people will choose not to increase their levels of retirement savings.==>原文的premise是说tax incentive能够帮助savings增加,这个选项反驳这个premise是不可以的。凡是GMAT给出的premise都不能被驳斥,因为是这个argument存在的基础
(D) Bankers generally will not continue to lend money to businesses whose prospective earnings are insufficient to meet their loan repayment schedules.==>同理于C,和argument介绍的信息反了。Premise是默认会借钱的,选项说不借就是驳了premise了。即便是增加new information解释不借款的理由也是没有用的,这不是我们要考虑的东西,故信息无关
(E) The modified tax structure would give all taxpayers, regardless of their incomes, the same tax savings for a given increase in their retirement savings.==>还是主过tax incentive,但是钱到底多了没有呢,没有说清楚,故无关
作者: ndslyy    时间: 2011-9-23 15:59
(C) Even with tax incentives, some people will choose not to increase their levels of retirement savings.==>原文的premise是说tax incentive能够帮助savings增加,这个选项反驳这个premise是不可以的。凡是GMAT给出的premise都不能被驳斥,因为是这个argument存在的基础

作者: ndslyy    时间: 2011-9-23 15:59
作者: vivian2011    时间: 2011-9-29 20:50
真的不可以驳斥premise吗?那OG CR111怎么解释,C选项不是否认了飞机是free wheel system吗?困惑...
111. The difficulty with the proposed high-speed train line is that a used plane can be bought for one-third the price of
the train line, and the plane, which is just as fast, can fly anywhere. The train would be a fixed linear system, and
we live in a world that is spreading out in all directions and in which consumers choose the free-wheel systems
(cars, buses, aircraft), which do not have fixed routes. Thus a sufficient market for the train will not exist.
Which of the following, if true, most severely weakens the argument presented above?
(A)    Cars, buses, and planes require the efforts of drivers and pilots to guide them, whereas the train will be
guided mechanically.
(B)    Cars and buses are not nearly as fast as the high-speed train will be.
(C)    lanes are not a free-wheel system because they can fly only between airports, which are less convenient
for consumers than the high-speed train's stations would be.
(D)    The high-speed train line cannot use currently underutilized train stations in large cities.
(E)    For long trips, most people prefer to fly rather than to take ground-level transportation.
作者: Daisy_Chen    时间: 2011-9-29 21:03
(C) Even with tax incentives, some people will choose not to increase their levels of retirement savings.==>原文的premise是说tax incentive能够帮助savings增加,这个选项反驳这个premise是不可以的。凡是GMAT给出的premise都不能被驳斥,因为是这个argument存在的基础

-- by 会员 ndslyy (2011/9/23 15:59:33)

作者: 瓜瓜不瓜    时间: 2011-11-12 16:21
这道题中 银行缺钱只是一个引子。
conclusion:more money becomes available to borrowers

(A) When levels of personal retirement savings increase, consumer borrowing always increases correspondingly.====养老账户的存款增加不一定能导致“more money becomes available to borrowers”

(B) The increased tax revenue the government would receive as a result of business expansion would not offset the loss in revenue from personal income taxes during the first year of the plan.====文章中未提到revenue,无关选项。另外“during the first year of the plan”的出现也提醒这个选项错误,一个政策的好坏不能以第一年的效果来判断。

(C) Even with tax incentives, some people will choose not to increase their levels of retirement savings.====some people 是关键,一部分人不愿意增加养老金存款,但是other people will do,故政策依然有效,不能weaken

(D) Bankers generally will not continue to lend money to businesses whose prospective earnings are insufficient to meet their loan repayment schedules.====结论是有“more money becomes available to borrowers” 并不涉及银行家愿不愿意贷款给business。

(E) The modified tax structure would give all taxpayers, regardless of their incomes, the same tax savings for a given increase in their retirement savings.====很显然的无关选项
作者: johnwolf    时间: 2011-12-12 21:29

作者: cyang10    时间: 2011-12-12 22:56
作者: jay871750293    时间: 2012-2-24 16:34

关于A&C,比较两者谁的影响更大,影响最大的,则是题目所说“raises the most serious doubt”
先来看C,some people choose not increase their levels of retirement savings,虽然有些人不愿意存钱,但总有人会存,那么存钱的数量肯定是会增加的(只不过没有预想的那么多而已)
再来看A,consumer's level of saving and borrowing will increase correspondingly,存钱数量在增加的同时也在减少,但是并没有说增加和减少的数量,那么完全有可能增加和减少的数量一样多或者是减少的数量大于增加的数量,存钱的数量可能不会变,甚至可能减少,所以A的影响比C更大,所以选A

作者: 宇多田光    时间: 2012-2-25 20:48
在CR BIBLE里有提到,weaken的其中一种打击对象是premise,但通常GMAT不从这里出考点,是外国的GMAT考试专家在书中提到的,所以我们也可以认为反驳了premise,应该不是正确答案。
作者: sunny20111126    时间: 2012-3-2 22:20
C项,Some people 不足以影响the total amount deposited,og 说得很明白啊
作者: qiuhua01234567    时间: 2012-3-13 12:57
你们没看见C里面的some 么?这是典型错误,读题的时候一定要注意限定词。shell game
作者: wilincl9321    时间: 2012-9-28 00:20
(B) The increased tax revenue the government would receive as a result of business expansion would not offset the loss in revenue from personal income taxes during the first year of the plan.====
作者: MissUindeed    时间: 2013-6-27 15:52
作者: ringo5    时间: 2013-10-24 18:08
jay871750293 发表于 2012-2-24 16:34
看了之前的一些观点,深有启发,也来写写我的想法,关于A&C,比较两者谁的影响更大,影响最大的,则是题目 ...

可是A选项也存在说 一方面增加一方面减少,而减少的没有增加的多,所以总量仍然增加的可能性啊。为什么不提到这个呢~~


作者: qzawxs9876    时间: 2013-10-30 03:35
谁能告诉我OG 对D选项的解释是什么意思?
D The plan would increase the money available specifically for development loans ,not existing loans.
作者: cdbgin009    时间: 2013-11-4 13:58
gourmettsu 发表于 2011-7-22 19:41


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