问一句题外话,B选项 在说什么意思阿?我则么看不懂?
B) The increased tax revenue the government would receive as a result of business expansion would not offset the loss in revenue from personal income taxes during the first year of the plan.
-- by 会员 phoenixrocks (2011/5/7 16:04:58)
(C) Even with tax incentives, some people will choose not to increase their levels of retirement savings.==>原文的premise是说tax incentive能够帮助savings增加,这个选项反驳这个premise是不可以的。凡是GMAT给出的premise都不能被驳斥,因为是这个argument存在的基础
-- by 会员 ndslyy (2011/9/23 15:59:33)