1. The ancient Anasazi harvested such native desert vegetation as the purple-flowered bee plant, what they now commonly call wild spinach in northern Arizona and other parts of the southwestern United States .
A.what they now commonly call
B.a plant that they now commonly call
C.now commonly called
D.and is mow commonly called
E.which it is now commonly called
2. The steel industry has changed radically over the last two decades, as large, integrated companies such as Bethlehem Steel once conducted operations from mining at one end of the process to shipping at the other have greatly downsized, or in some cases shut down altogether.
A.as large, integrated companies such as Bethlehem Steel
B.as large, integrated companies, such as Bethlehem Steel, that
C.with large, integrated companies, such as Bethlehem Steel, that
D.while large, integrated companies, such as Bethlehem Steel, that
E.and large, integrated companies such as Bethlehem Steel
3. The Acoma and Hopi are probably the two oldest surviving Pueblo communities, both dating back at least a thousand years.
A.both dating
B.both of which have dated
C.and each has dated
D.and each one dating
E.each one of which date
4. The spectacular disintegration of a comet last year in full view of ground- and space-based telescopes provided new insights into how comets form and may thus force a rethinking of the role of comets in the delivery of organic compounds to the evolving Earth.
A.The spectacular disintegration of a comet last year in full view of ground- and space-based telescopes provided new insights into how comets form and may thus force
B.The spectacular disintegration of a comet last year in full view of ground- as well as space-based telescopes, provided new insights into how comets form and thus possibly forcing
C.When a comet's spectacular disintegration occurred in full view of ground- and space-based telescopes last year, it provided new insights into how comets form and thus may possibly force
D.Last year, in full view of ground- and space-based telescopes, a comet's spectacular disintegration provided new insights into how comets form and thus possibly forcing
E.Last year, in full view of ground- as well as space-based telescopes, the spectacular disintegration of a comet has provided new insights into how comets form and may thus force
3. The Acoma and Hopi are probably the two oldest surviving Pueblo communities, both dating back at least a thousand years.
A.both dating
B.both of which have dated
C.and each has dated
D.and each one dating
E.each one of which date
4. The spectacular disintegration of a comet last year in full view of ground- and space-based telescopes provided new insights into how comets form and may thus force a rethinking of the role of comets in the delivery of organic compounds to the evolving Earth.
A.The spectacular disintegration of a comet last year in full view of ground- and space-based telescopes provided new insights into how comets form and may thus force
B.The spectacular disintegration of a comet last year in full view of ground- as well as space-based telescopes, provided new insights into how comets form and thus possibly forcing
C.When a comet's spectacular disintegration occurred in full view of ground- and space-based telescopes last year, it provided new insights into how comets form and thus may possibly force
D.Last year, in full view of ground- and space-based telescopes, a comet's spectacular disintegration provided new insights into how comets form and thus possibly forcing
E.Last year, in full view of ground- as well as space-based telescopes, the spectacular disintegration of a comet has provided new insights into how comets form and may thus force 作者: 花子落落 时间: 2010-9-1 13:28
第一题C明显比B简洁清晰 第二题两句木有比较或者转折意味,不用while,后句是在具体说明他们如何change叻~ 第三题就算是E也应该用dates,况且E说的很怪怪的~ 第四题may possibly意思重复,redundant,而且这个when用的也是怪怪的~作者: Lyssazhao 时间: 2010-9-1 18:22