
标题: 请教大家像我这样的背景,申请Oxford Sa?d 和 LBS的MIF 有胜算么? [打印本页]

作者: olivialee    时间: 2010-8-30 21:01
标题: 请教大家像我这样的背景,申请Oxford Sa?d 和 LBS的MIF 有胜算么?
1)Currently working in finance department at Morgan stanley Singapore for about 3 years, total 4 years working experience.

2)With 3 year Bachelor degree in Business Administration from National University of Singapore, GAP   3.21/5, my university score was not that impressive

3) Studying for GMAT now, target to score around 750.

Thank you!!
作者: pursueMBA2010    时间: 2010-8-30 21:34
When I watch MS in my first sight, I am sure you can achieve your goal, no matter OX or MIF.
Although your GPA is below average and you have no GMAT score, your excellent working exp and different academic experience(in SG rather than mainland) will help you stand out in Chinese pool.

So, now your task includes:
1. Try to get a high GMAT score
2. Design godd essay(i think essay whose quality is above average level is enough) although the greater, the better
作者: olivialee    时间: 2010-8-30 23:07
Thank you for the tips!!! Actually my job portfolio in MS is merely accounts reconciliation and reporting, that is why I am worried that my working experience may not give me many bonus in application.  
Anyway, continue with my GMAT questions
作者: zbb88    时间: 2010-8-30 23:25
作者: Happy2007    时间: 2010-8-31 00:10
作者: pursueMBA2010    时间: 2010-8-31 00:44
MIF每年有1/4的人是来自corporate finance
作者: zbb88    时间: 2010-8-31 09:43

Front, middle and back office
The work experience requirement is central to the MFin. But what counts as “relevant”? There are three criteria. One, did it provide the candidate with some real finance learning opportunity, even if it was in only one specific area? Two, did it provide the candidate with a broader opportunity to show achievement, efficiency and ambition? And three, will it impress future recruiters, especially in the area that the candidate eventually wants to work.

Here, “finance” loosely includes accounting, but only where the accounting or audit experience has led to direct involvement with some aspect of finance eg valuation, investment assessment or auditing of financial institutions.

An area that can be controversial is middle and back office experience. There are many important jobs in financial institutions in so-called middle office and back office areas. Some of these are operational roles that are not very different from similar roles in non-financial corporations. Others involve dealing with front office (client facing and trading) staff but only indirectly working with the actual financial products.

It is entirely understandable that some people from middle and back office roles seek to move to a front office role. But experience shows this is often difficult. Recruiters, rightly or wrongly, do not give much credit for this sort of experience when interviewing for front office jobs. We are forced to take a similar view. Somebody from middle or back office functions will need to show that they have learned enough about financial products (as opposed to accounting, operations, IT etc) to be credible. Having achieved at least level 1 of the CFA is a good indicator that a person has the interest and ambition to move to a front office role, but doesn’t guarantee anything.

We are forced to reject candidates whose experience is from the middle and back office and who cannot show clear evidence of learning about finance in a way that would put them on the same level as people with equivalent years of experience in a front office role. There are some exceptions but we need good reasons to make them. It is in nobody’s interest to invite somebody to spend a year taking a degree which, on its own, will not help the student to achieve his or her career goals owing to a lack of appropriate work experience.
作者: olivialee    时间: 2010-8-31 11:30
难不成现在开始读个CFA?? 哭死了~~~ 那像我这种情况,申请oxford的MBA会好一点么?
作者: sunlijun    时间: 2010-9-6 22:56
ding~~ 我也想问~~
作者: tianlanhai    时间: 2010-9-8 01:01
作者: Tiffany_Hu    时间: 2010-9-16 04:56
觉得应该没问题,LBS MiF也有很多人转行的。你有finance的background就可以。
作者: sunlijun    时间: 2010-9-16 23:39
太感谢了 终于有人给答复了 但是在大陆申请mba是不是会有一定难度呢
作者: Tiffany_Hu    时间: 2010-9-17 06:03
不试怎么知道可不可以。很多没有finance background的人也去美国名校了。
作者: zbb88    时间: 2010-9-17 09:49
作者: pursueMBA2010    时间: 2010-9-17 10:59
不一定要finance-related working exp
作者: olivialee    时间: 2010-9-20 17:59
谢谢各位的建议,我的工作是做coporate reporting and analysis. 在Middle and back office,每天的工作非常routine, 尤其到了大公司分工很细,真是除了自己的job portfolio 很少有机会学习其他知识。

我本来很担心自己现在的工作和投行的front line 差好多,就得看怎么在essay里把自己的工作和LBS需要的联系起来了。 保险起见,我还是再申请一所美国的MBA吧,虽然可能负担不起高额的学费。

本来打算申请oxford的MBA,还得需要TOFEL,实在没时间考了。白在新加坡呆这么多年了,搞了半天在oxford的定义里新加坡不属于english speaking country!!!
作者: Tiffany_Hu    时间: 2010-9-20 21:39
作者: zbb88    时间: 2010-9-21 11:45
作者: olivialee    时间: 2010-9-21 13:35
作者: tik0070171    时间: 2010-9-27 22:25
我一直很好奇 Accounting 算不算finance的一部分啊
作者: kevinyin    时间: 2011-2-12 00:24
作者: BoraBora    时间: 2011-2-12 09:59
如果在银行工作的话,CFA是早晚都要考的。 晚考不如早考的好!感觉上CFA都是银行入门证书了。其实很多人都是做reporting和analysis的, 关键是你申请怎么写了。
作者: qingzhang1    时间: 2011-2-16 10:57
如果在银行工作的话,CFA是早晚都要考的。 晚考不如早考的好!感觉上CFA都是银行入门证书了。其实很多人都是做reporting和analysis的, 关键是你申请怎么写了。
-- by 会员 BoraBora (2011/2/12 9:59:48)


1.IB里和CFA最相关的是EQUITY RESEARCH或者INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT吧?FO其他的部门和CFA好像都没什么太大关系.当然你没事儿去考个一级熟悉熟悉FINANCE是另外一回事儿.

2.如果想转前台的话,个人感觉应该看看能不能现在通过某种方式转;因为即使读完了MBA,要和有PRE-MBA FO EXPERIENCE的BANKER同学竞争FO职位,胜算也不大.
作者: zbb88    时间: 2011-2-16 23:00

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