1. 一个研究发现 married people in general have longer life expectancies than do people who divorce and do not remarry. 然后就说 stress associated with divorce adversely affects health. 问weaken.
正确答案是 adults who have never maiired have shorter life expectancies than do married people of the same age.
我选的是 stress of many kinds has been shown to affect health adversely.
2. 说19世纪的绘画作品中 雅典卫城的大理石的颜色都是红色 可是 现在这些建筑并不是红色 又因为大理石是不会变颜色的 所以the paintings must not be showing the color of the buildings as they actually appeared. 也是问weaken
答案是 tiny plants called lichens living on marble can cause the marble to appear reddish
我很囧的选了一个 many 19th centry artists strove for true to life accuracy in every detail of thier paintings.
我的想法是 既然weaken 那答案方向就是 这些画 show 了真实的颜色 那既然画家在细节上忠于事实 那这写画不就应该反映真实颜色的了吗..