标题: 求解一道prep题~~~~~~~在线等 谁解答谁必过700 [打印本页] 作者: chuckjs0703 时间: 2010-8-23 17:02 标题: 求解一道prep题~~~~~~~在线等 谁解答谁必过700 Before being simplified, the instructions for computing income tax in Country R were add 2 percent of one's annual income to the average of 100 units of Country R's currency and 1 percent of one's annual income. Which of the following represents the simplified formula for computing the income tax, in country R's currency, for a person in that country whose annual income is I?
A.20+I/200 B.50+3I/100 C.50+I/40 D.100+I/50 E.100+3I/100作者: 夏日飘雪 时间: 2010-8-23 17:05
这题前三个答案的20其实是50吧。。。作者: 夏日飘雪 时间: 2010-8-23 17:06
我不确定,是不是C?作者: amy虫子 时间: 2010-8-23 17:32
computing income tax in Country R were add 2 percent of one's annual income to the average of (100 units of Country R's currency and 1 percent of one's annual income). Income tax=2% * I+(100+1%*I)/2=50+I/40作者: G_will 时间: 2010-8-23 17:46
我是来上700的。作者: csdianna 时间: 2010-8-23 17:51
C~三楼正解~ 明天杀G! 我要700~!!!作者: gongchenglu 时间: 2010-8-23 17:53
Income tax=2% * I+(100+1%*I)/2=50+I/40 选C。 这道题在于对题目的理解。老外很烦,会在100 units of country R's currency 还有average上面confuse我们中国人。作者: POOKYloveGMAT 时间: 2010-8-23 18:08
楼主我是冲着你标题的后半句话回帖的。。。楼上几位都解释的很清楚了作者: gaor 时间: 2010-8-23 18:12
computing income tax in Country R were add 2 percent of one's annual income to the average of (100 units of Country R's currency and 1 percent of one's annual income). Income tax=2% * I+(100+1%*I)/2=50+I/40