1. His studies of ice-polished rocks in his Alpine homeland, far outside the range of present-day glaciers, led Louis Agassiz in 1837 to propose the concept of an age in which great ice sheets had existed in now currently temperate areas.
(A) in which great ice sheets had existed in now currently temperate areas
(B) in which great ice sheets existed in what are now temperate areas
(C) when great ice sheets existed where there were areas now temperate
(D) when great ice sheets had existed in current temperate areas(B)
(E) when great ice sheets existed in areas now that are temperate
1、B中的in what are now temperate areas不就是in current temperate area的意思吗?为什么要这样表达?
2、为什么不能用过去完成时态,说过去存在great ice sheets,在proposed之前,不是过去的过去吗,没有看出有什么现在的意思呀。
(B) in which great ice sheets existed in what are now temperate areas,其中的what are now temperate areas为some areas ,which are now temperate areas,这里的what有表达两个不同时间里的地区的作用,相当于名词+非限定性从句。A中的now currently temperate areas没有这种功能,过去的冰川怎么能在现在的地区上呢?
这里没有强调“过去的过去”的必要,GMAT注重简练。A "now"和"currently"明显重复
(B) in which great ice sheets existed in what are now temperate areas
(C) when great ice sheets existed where there were areas now temperate
(D) when great ice sheets had existed in current temperate areas(B)
(E) when great ice sheets existed in areas now that are temperate
B,C,D use "when" unidiomatic; the idiom is "age in which"; As also, A,D use the past perfect tense distorting the original meaning, as also tamper to indicate that the great ice sheets did not exist after the propoal has been presented. In choice E, "now that are temperate" commits a syntax error. A manifests that " now currently" is redundant. C "where there" is not idiomatic.
我越来月不明白了,你们怎么都说:A use the past perfect tense distorting the original meaning, as also tamper to indicate that the great ice sheets did not exist after the propoal has been presented. 我就是不明白这句话,整个原来句子的意思是一个人提出一个假设说冰川存在于现在温暖的地区。冰川当然在他提出这个假设的时候已经不存在了,只是研究说以前的事情,所以,我才认为用past perfect tense,可是好象你们都说在propose的时候冰川好象还存在似的,
an age in which great ice sheets had existed—— 感觉ice sheets在age里只存在了一段时间,就不存在了。
an age in which great ice sheets existed—— ice sheets在age里一直存在。
在og对D地解释中在说明current应为currently之后又说in current temperate areas is unclear,是不是说将current改为currently也不清楚?可是我觉得in currently temperate areas挺清楚的呀,有什么异议吗?
正确答案中existed in (what are now temperate )areas
关于时态,不管什么时候(指人类能研究它们)我们提到great ice sheets都应该是existed 吧.
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