3.n是正整数,2n=2x4x6x8x(2n-2)x2n,what is the greatest prime factor of (20)+(22)? (问题没看明白。。。,答案是23)
4.101《n《150,求1/n的和的范围 (题目也没看明白,答案是三分之一到二分之一)
6.If z1,z2.z3...zn is a series of consecutive ositive integers,is the sum of all these integers odd?(选A) 1)z1,z2,z3...zn/n is an odd interger 2)n is odd.
8.A sequence is symmetrically distributed aroud its arithmetic mean m,and the numbers that fal in the standard deviation d count for 68% of the total numbers in the squence,what's the percentage of numbers taht fall below m+d? (答案是84%)