
标题: 请问下that或分词的修饰范围谢谢! [打印本页]

作者: 阿彻    时间: 2010-8-12 13:00
标题: 请问下that或分词的修饰范围谢谢!
7For some reason the new consultant treats his clients like idiots, talking to them like they were mentally deficient and incapable of understanding more than the simplest ideas.

(A) like idiots, talking to them like they
(B) as if they were idiots, talking to them like they
(C) like idiots, talking to them as if they
(D) as idiots, talking to them like theyC
(E) like idiots who
4.Virtually undisturbed for the last three centuries on their starkly beautiful islands near the edge of the Arctic Circle, the inhabitants of the Lofotens have evolved folkways and a life-style that bring warmth to their harsh environment.
(A) the inhabitants of the Lofotens have evolved folkways and a life-style that bring warmth
(B) the inhabitants of the Lofotens have evolved folkways and a life-style that brings warmth
(C) evolving folkways and a life-style were evolved by the Lofotens inhabitants to bring warmth
(D) evolving folkways and a life-style brought warmth to the Lofotens’ inhabitants as well asA
(E) warmth-bringing folkways and life-styles have been evolved by the inhabitants of the Lofotens
我不明白的就在that和分词的修饰效力范围到底怎么区分。第七题我选的是EC中的talking分不清是修饰idiot还是the new consultant出现歧义
而第四题我选的是B因为我以为that修饰的是a life style。但是按照答案A就是要修饰前面的一组词。请大家告诉我that还有分词的修饰是紧跟在最近的一个名词上还是有别的规定?谢谢
作者: 阿彻    时间: 2010-8-12 20:28
作者: 花子落落    时间: 2010-8-12 20:32
第七题原意是指把它们当做mentally deficient and incapable 的idiot。E的话是在解释idio的名词意思么?
作者: 花子落落    时间: 2010-8-12 20:35
作者: 花子落落    时间: 2010-8-12 20:35
作者: 阿彻    时间: 2010-8-12 22:06
作者: 阿彻    时间: 2010-8-15 10:40
914, C-04
A is best. folkways and a life-style意思上看不分; 平行角度(folkways and a life-style)that比folkways and( a life-style that)更合理。
另外that一般有特指的意思, life-style 有a泛指,这样单指life-style 用bringing更简洁清楚些。
作者: wyfjl2009    时间: 2010-8-15 10:57
作者: wyfjl2009    时间: 2010-8-15 11:53
Out of the public's interest in the details of and conflicts in other people's lives have grown a booming market for "reality" television shows that are bringing "regular" people onto the television screen with increasing frequency.

(A)other people's lives have grown a booming market for "reality" television shows that are bringing

(B)other people's lives has grown a booming market for "reality" television shows that are bringing

(C)another person's life has grown a booming market for a "reality" television show that is bringing

(D)other people's lives has grown a booming market for "reality" television shows that is bringing

(E)other people's lives has grown a booming market for "reality" television shows that bring
另一道关于THAT 的,答案是C,解释是that修饰market, 所以B 不对, 还在迷茫中呢。。。

作者: wyfjl2009    时间: 2010-8-15 21:38
作者: anotherside    时间: 2010-8-15 22:10
首先第7题,逗号后面talking to them as if ......,-ing分词用逗号隔开,作为状语修饰的是前面整一个句子的动作,即new consultants treat their customers like idiots,逻辑主语是new consultants. 如果用who则变成了定语从句修饰idiots,重心改变。
根据题目4的意思,应该是民俗(folkways)和a life-style共同为居民恶劣的生活环境带来了温暖。所以谓语应该用复数。
据我观察,that的确是可以跳过最近的名词修饰更前的词的,只要用的谓语没有歧义。例如白勇语法中有一个句子:Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great anthropologist and that make his letter as a group which is the rival of the best novels of the time.
所以,我认为,为什么有些句子用that/which修饰n. of n.这样的结构或者是其他有两个以上名词的时候说它不对呢,那是因为它产生了歧义。
比如还是刚才那个例子,将powers改成power,这时无论用that和which都不对了,因为你说不清它是修饰power还是observation的,一般根据就近原则就说是修饰observation的,但是句子的意思实际是想修饰power。这时可以改为,Byron possessed power of observation, power that.....这样就不歧义啦~~

作者: yougushizi    时间: 2010-8-15 22:44
第一题,前面用treats后面用were,说明虚拟语气,用as if
第二题,undisturbed决定主语只能是人,B的逻辑上和语法上都没有A好,因为folkways and a life-style都应该给他们恶劣的生活环境带来了温暖。B的话只是life-style带来了温暖,那么folkway没有定语,and前后句子不平行。

7For some reason the new consultant treats his clients like idiots, talking to them like they were mentally deficient and incapable of understanding more than the simplest ideas.

(A) like idiots, talking to them like they
(B) as if they were idiots, talking to them like they
(C) like idiots, talking to them as if they
(D) as idiots, talking to them like theyC
(E) like idiots who
4.Virtually undisturbed for the last three centuries on their starkly beautiful islands near the edge of the Arctic Circle, the inhabitants of the Lofotens have evolved folkways and a life-style that bring warmth to their harsh environment.
(A) the inhabitants of the Lofotens have evolved folkways and a life-style that bring warmth
(B) the inhabitants of the Lofotens have evolved folkways and a life-style that brings warmth
(C) evolving folkways and a life-style were evolved by the Lofotens inhabitants to bring warmth
(D) evolving folkways and a life-style brought warmth to the Lofotens’ inhabitants as well asA
(E) warmth-bringing folkways and life-styles have been evolved by the inhabitants of the Lofotens
我不明白的就在that和分词的修饰效力范围到底怎么区分。第七题我选的是EC中的talking分不清是修饰idiot还是the new consultant出现歧义
而第四题我选的是B因为我以为that修饰的是a life style。但是按照答案A就是要修饰前面的一组词。请大家告诉我that还有分词的修饰是紧跟在最近的一个名词上还是有别的规定?谢谢
-- by 会员 阿彻 (2010/8/12 13:00:54)

作者: 阿彻    时间: 2010-8-15 22:58
据我观察,that的确是可以跳过最近的名词修饰更前的词的,只要用的谓语没有歧义。例如白勇语法中有一个句子:Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great anthropologist and that make his letter as a group which is the rival of the best novels of the time.

比如还是刚才那个例子,将powers改成power,这时无论用that和which都不对了,因为你说不清它是修饰power还是observation的,一般根据就近原则就说是修饰observation的,但是句子的意思实际是想修饰power。这时可以改为,Byron possessed power of observation, power that.....这样就不歧义啦~~

-- by 会员 anotherside (2010/8/15 22:10:54)

我想问一下这个例子中的第二个that应该是和第一个that并列吧~那么第一个用would have done的虚拟而第二个用的是一般时态是么?
作者: anotherside    时间: 2010-8-16 00:24
我想问一下这个例子中的第二个that应该是和第一个that并列吧~那么第一个用would have done的虚拟而第二个用的是一般时态是么?
-- by 会员 阿彻 (2010/8/15 22:58:18)

I think so.两个从句时态可以不一样的,只要能说清楚意思就行。

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