标题: GWD8-Q23 [打印本页] 作者: m8888302 时间: 2010-8-12 12:19 标题: GWD8-Q23 GWD-8-Q23: A New York City ordinance of 1897 regulated the use of bicycles, mandated a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, required of cyclists to keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times, and it granted pedestrians right-of-way.
A. regulated the use of bicycles, mandated a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, required of cyclists to keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times, and it granted
B. regulated the use of bicycles, mandated a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, required cyclists to keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times, granting
C. regulating the use of bicycles mandated a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, required cyclists that they keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times, and it granted
D. regulating the use of bicycles, mandating a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, requiring of cyclists that they keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times, and granted
E. regulating the use of bicycles mandated a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, required cyclists to keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times, and granted
A,C多了一个it;D的and granted不对;C和E不知道怎么选了。答案是E 而且也看不清E的结构。。茫然中作者: m8888302 时间: 2010-8-12 12:34 标题: up up~~作者: m8888302 时间: 2010-8-12 15:45 标题: up again up up up~作者: m8888302 时间: 2010-8-12 19:57
upupupupup作者: 花子落落 时间: 2010-8-12 20:11
可以说require that,不可以说require sb that作者: 花子落落 时间: 2010-8-12 20:12
regulating the use of bicycles是做分词,mandated ..., required..., and granted做并列动词作者: m8888302 时间: 2010-8-12 20:21
不过E的分词后面少了“,”,感觉有点怪。。作者: 花子落落 时间: 2010-8-12 20:23
难免有错误,选择better one就好~作者: wangxiwei 时间: 2010-8-16 16:01
呵呵 此题考试重点 并列结构的最后一个前必须有and 掌握这个就OK了 我们就看 and后的 和 and 前 的形式一样不 可排除 ACD B 和 E呢? B 中的 required cyclists to keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times 前无 and 表示 并列结束 故错误 此题为 标准的商业条款 ving 修饰ordinace 表示 持续性的影响 open to discuss作者: tcleng 时间: 2010-8-16 20:27
C明显是错的,有2种该法。 一是把granted前面的it去掉, 二是在required前面加个and。
不过显然第一种方法更好,言简意赅。作者: m8888302 时间: 2010-8-16 20:44
mandated a maximum speed of eight miles an hour这个mandated在句子里修饰啥啊?作者: 优由圈 时间: 2010-12-8 23:19
mandated a maximum speed of eight miles an hour这个mandated在句子里修饰啥啊?
-- by 会员 m8888302 (2010/8/16 20:44:49)
A NYC ordiance (regulating sth. )mandated…, required…, and granted…
mandated,required,granted 并列做句子谓语作者: wqy918 时间: 2011-4-2 23:09
我弱弱地想问一下AND这个结构“A, and B” 与“A and B” (AB指句子或分句)是不是第一个B一定要加主语,且与主句平行,而第二个不一定加主语呢?我就纠结这个觉得E的最后一个逗号应该去掉。本人菜鸟,大家给点意见哈~~作者: mboo2005 时间: 2011-4-14 12:08
我弱弱地想问一下AND这个结构“A, and B” 与“A and B” (AB指句子或分句)是不是第一个B一定要加主语,且与主句平行,而第二个不一定加主语呢?我就纠结这个觉得E的最后一个逗号应该去掉。本人菜鸟,大家给点意见哈~~
-- by 会员 wqy918 (2011/4/2 23:09:46)
A and b a,b, and c作者: comean0 时间: 2012-9-27 10:17
require of sb that require that require sb to do A错在and 后不平行 require of sb to do 错误 B granting 成分错误 C require sb that 错 and前后问题 Dand问题 E正确