Posts: 43 | Saurabh,
Here answer choice C is written:
Although schistosomiasis is not often fatal,
so debilitating is it as to become an economic drain on many developing countries.
The OG explanation then says that so x as to y is not a correct idiom.
However, in my view answer choice C could have been written correctly as:
it is so debilitating as to become an economic drain on many developing countries.
In my view, the GMAT recognized that this answer choice, as re-written above, would have been correct. Thus, it reordered the words in this answer choice to make this incorrect.
In my opinion, the answer choice explanation is incorrect as to rule out the possibility of so X as to Y as an idiom, and this answer choice is wrong largely because of poor word order. I would not rule out an answer choice that uses this idiom, and regard is as an appropriate possibility.
I hope that this is helpful. - Andrew