
标题: TTGWD33-Q30 [打印本页]

作者: silence05    时间: 2010-8-8 22:08
标题: TTGWD33-Q30

The new image of Stone Age people as systematic hunters of large animals, rather than merely scavenging for meat, have emerged from the examination of tools found in Germany, including three wooden spears that archaeologists believe to be about 400,000 years old.

A.merely scavenging for meat, have emerged from the examination of tools found in Germany, including merely scavenging for meat, have emerged from examining tools found in Germany, which include mere meat scavengers, has emerged from examining tools found in Germany that includes

D.mere scavengers of meat, has emerged from the examination of tools found in Germany, which includes

E.mere scavengers of meat, has emerged from the examination of tools found in Germany, including


答案选的E  我开始错选为了C 后来发现includes单复错了 但是有个疑问 rather than 不是要求平行么 那E项开头是不是少了个as  
as systemetic hunters 和as mere scavengers正好对应了

作者: fengshou    时间: 2010-8-8 22:21
没有最好只有更好 E的确是选项里面更好的答案了。
作者: ponyoveronica    时间: 2010-8-8 22:24
作者: silence05    时间: 2010-8-8 22:25

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