(考古) A survey shows that our consumers are more cared about eating healthier. One way to eat healthy is to eat organic food, which is free of fertilizer and pesticide. Our city has no organic food store currently, so we can establish one in our city. We can open organic food store in our gyms so that we can expect that the profits of our gyms, which stayed the same for a year, would increase.
11。 就是说BC这个公司,是搞mining tech的,然后这个行业不好,profits and price都decline,所以转向了 renewable energy tech,这样就能扭转profits和price的decline,可能还有其他因素不过现在脑子坏掉鸟,想不起了……; V1:去年全国的mining technology都状态低迷,而做Renewable energy的公司有不少都挺成功(列举了一些能源),因此Blastcom公司认为通过转变策略,devoting research to renewable engergy来盈利并升高公司股价是一定会成功.
V2:去年能源**整体下滑 但是一个Bolcom。。好像是这个公司呢却盈利了。。。原因是他将efforts switch from minering to renewable energy了。。于此同时呢 这个renewable energy的其他公司在未来盈利状况普遍看好( 风能 太阳能等等)然后 于此这个BOLCOM 将来继续采用 new field strategy 未来将free from 利润的下滑
V3:讲的是一个研究mining technology的公司Blastcom面对去年行业产品需求的整体下降,决定将自己的研究转到renewable energy technology上。因为很多可再生能源的大公司都取得了成功。所以只要公司进行这方面的研究,那么未来的业绩和股价就一定得到保证了。
V2 :6月份的时候公司进行了advertising on parking lots and show room of luxury automotibles. And the sales increased significantly for both luxury and inexpensive models. 这证明这种投放广告的方式是有效的, 可以同时带来高级汽车(luxury)和普通汽车(inexpensive) 的销售增加. However, in Feburary, 同样针对inexpensive models的广告活动,没有带来sales的增长. 因此,公司应该在以后的广告活动中put the luxury models in front并center at luxury modles. 这样,现行可以maximize profits.