
标题: 求助GWD1-Q15 [打印本页]

作者: kuke2222    时间: 2010-8-6 17:41
标题: 求助GWD1-Q15
In parts of South America, vitamin-A deficiency is a serious health problem, especially among children.In one region, agriculturists are attempting to improve nutrition by encouraging farmers to plant a new variety of sweet potato called SPK004 that is rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A.The plan has good chances of success, since sweet potato is a staple of the region’s diet and agriculture, and the varieties currently grown contain little beta-carotene.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction that the plan will succeed?

A.The growing conditions required by the varieties of sweet potato currently cultivated in the region are conditions in which SPK004 can flourish.

B.The flesh of SPK004 differs from that of the currently cultivated sweet potatoes in color and texture, so traditional foods would look somewhat different when prepared from SPK004.

C.There are no other varieties of sweet potato that are significantly richer in beta-carotene than SPK004 is.

D.The varieties of sweet potato currently cultivated in the region contain some important nutrients that are lacking in SPK004.

E.There are other vegetables currently grown in the region that contain more beta-carotene than the currently cultivated varieties of sweet potato do.

作者: fengshou    时间: 2010-8-6 22:33

C说 没有其它种类红薯的SPK004含量能比文中说的这一种类高 其实这并不重要

只要文中说的这种红薯能被大量的种植,人们就能吃到这种红薯 并吸收SPK004。而在种植的过程中,影响植物的因素包括气候,水土等等。

作者: kuke2222    时间: 2010-8-7 11:13
作者: xlt6200    时间: 2010-8-7 11:27
谢谢楼上的解答,可是还是有疑问呀,这个plan不仅仅是关于种植能否成功,还包括推行SPK004这一品种能否成功吧?选项A表明各品种sweet potato都可在一特定环境、水土中种植,可是没有突出SPK004的优点来呀??
答案选A是不是因为选项C与题中“ the varieties currently grown contain little beta-carotene.”意思重复呢?(我在牵强的说服自己答案是A不是C…………)
作者: xlt6200    时间: 2010-8-7 16:42
作者: fengshou    时间: 2010-8-7 21:51
题中说的plan是指 improve nutrition by encouraging farmers to plant a new variety of sweet potato  

注意句子的后半部分 是要encourage farmers to plant红薯 鼓励农民伯伯去种植这种红薯呀 那不就牵扯到了水土 气候 等因素了嘛

作者: everine    时间: 2010-8-7 23:59

agriculturists提出一个plan就是说让农民伯伯种这个土豆。。然后可以提高小孩子的维A blablabla不管它
“most strongly supports the prediction that the plan will succeed?”

作者: xlt6200    时间: 2010-8-10 20:25

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