whether a social problem can be solved or not depends on many factors. celebrities have high proifle and resource others don't have, but that doesn't guarantee that they can address social problems:
first, the high profile can have double-edge effect, if the celebrity sets a good example, have a good influence in society, therefore helpful with addressing social problems, if iset a bad example otherwise, it can exacerbate the social problem. for example....blah...
second, resource also is not enough to address social problem, for example, some western rich country have abundant government resources, but the social problem in those country are quite serious. for example...on the contrast, some small, poor countries are live in quite harmonious environment...也可展开
in conclusion, socail problem is very complex, simply by using celebrities' high proifle and rich resources can not make sure a solution to social problem...
-- by 会员 lauchen (2010/8/4 7:56:57)