AA:It's a part of a report."Jams Design company has no profit for continuing three years. However, one of the auto company gains profit through switching expensive regular employees to cheap temporary labors. We should try to change our regular employees to cheaper workers for highly profit and stability of company in the future."大概这个意思。
AIortrayals of violence have proven commercially successful in television programs, movies, songs, and other forms of popular entertainment. Therefore, those who create popular entertainment should continue to incorporate violence into their products.狗里面的,可惜也没有时间练。最后也是临时写的。
(from yizhutou)说一个公司大部分head 退休了。而公司里qualified的能当head的employee只有1半。这个公司不打算招人,不打算减少department.于是大部分的department都会without head, since the company willNOT________________________________ 题目是这个,但是选项不一样。没有“那些人再延期退休”选项。后来我选了 senior领导不会下来降职当部门领导。蜜蜂数量:有两个选项都说到没有keep和tuck蜜蜂怎样怎样,最后我选那个honeybee没有keep tuck,不得那个病的概率。很长的那个答案,不知道对否。 芬兰人吃鱼 鲨鱼吃人 其他的记不得了。。很不幸,我的逻辑题目很少。