标题: 贴一篇AI,请各位牛人指点! [打印本页] 作者: yzqsyy 时间: 2010-7-19 13:15 标题: 贴一篇AI,请各位牛人指点! 没有用模板,不知道这样会不会太空洞,头一次写,没有什么感觉,不知道这样的水平能得多少分哪。。。担心中。。。 请牛牛们多多指教!!! “A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official.”
When it comes to the issue of whether powerful business leaders have more chance to influence the public, opinions vary among individuals. As far as I am concerned, the role of government officials is irreplacable under any circumstance even though some powerful business leaders are infuential to ordinary people.
First of all, emphasis on the power of government officials can never be exaggerated. Government, and only government possesses the rights of legistation, regulation, and supervision, which inflence directly on the course of a community and a nation. It is the government officials who organize these events, preside over public issues, and work for the welfare of society as a whole. In contrast, the image of businessman, the primary goal of whom is to maximize profits and to make most lucrative investment, is not often related to those public affairs, not to speak of the absolute power over fiscal budget and military force of government officials.
In addition, the notion that a powerful business leader has more opportunity to infulence the course of a community or a nation than any government official is unfouded or at least partial to some extent.Emperical observations tell us what’s of the first magnitude in everyday news is national and international affairs, in which there are almost all government officials, not business leaders. People who hold the opinion in the topic are possibily those who always focus on the TV shows interviwing exellent businessmen or those who pay more attention to the business column in newspapers. This might indicate that business leaders do have more chance to influence people but just in their commercial or financial behaviors.
Admittedly, there are some cases that powerful business leaders influence on the course of a communiy or a nation, this would happen only in two ways. One is when the business figure has obtained respect from the majority of society, such as Bill Gates and Rockfeller, who have made considerable contribution to the charity, and lead ordinary people to do the same. The other way is when the business leader not only aims at success in making money but also attempts to live up his political ambition, hense he would either lobby the government or attend for election by himself----to become a government official. Otherwise, there is little opportunity for business leaders to influence the course of public.
To sum up, although there is posibility that powerful business figures influence the course of the public or the nation, the government officials’ authority can never be replaced by business individuals. 作者: sunhaibo 时间: 2010-7-19 15:43
写的真好啊作者: yzqsyy 时间: 2010-7-19 17:26
真的吗???楼上的朋友不是在说反话吧。。。说实话真的很没底,AI的思路倒好想,但是一开始写就纠结了。。。因为本人基本上没有为考G专门背过单词的说,所以写作时那叫一个搜肠刮肚。。。作者: agnesliu 时间: 2010-7-22 21:30