奉献点狗狗吧。 数学没有遇上太多狗狗,有点郁闷。遇到了那个5 within 500 那个题,之前发过贴自认为选C,不知道是不是。请大N看看吧~哎呀,抓狂,都记不起来了。。。一考完就跑去逛街了。。。都丢在脑后了。。。。恩,努力回想。。。 有一个,in a line, 4 is in the half way of X and Y , and X is to the left of zero. what is the number of X? 1) zero is in the half way between X and Y/2. 2) 忘了。。。。
CR:考到了bear and paved road 一题,确认答案正确。 也没碰上几道狗狗。我今天是RP爆棚。。。全部都没碰上几道狗狗。。。 作文:issue: “The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but contributes to the whole.” “经理指派工作的最有效的方法是把负责的工作分成比较简单的组成部分。这样的话,每个工人完成工作的一小部分但对整体都有贡献。” 讨论你在何种程度上赞成或不赞成上述观点。从你自身的经验,观察和阅读给出相关的原因and/or例子来支持你的观点。
aa: 我觉得肯定见过。。可是我没找着。。。。说说大意吧,大家考古一下~就是XX corporation which has focused on the mining technology faced a global depressing situation. It soon changes its strategies to the renewable industry. The renewable company which focused on solar energy, wind energy and so forth have been successful recently. So with this strategy, the company would gain profits and avoid losses.
RC:仅遇到一篇阅读。。。害我还基本上把狗狗都看熟了。。。。就是女性地位 the importance of schools 不婚主义那篇。另外的貌似都还比较简单吧。 考了一个mental health. Talks about the minority culture influences on the mental care. Then the article go specific about the Mexican American's culture and the study about them. the first paragraph talks about the misunderstanding of minority majority would lead to some problem for doctors and patients. 2nd para: go specific about Mexican American's culture and the study about them. 3nd para:。。。blablabla。。。。 question: 主旨题。 details question:about the highligh part in the second para. 一个貌似chicagonism....类似的词,应该是说MEXICAN的宗教或者文化之类云云。。。。
只记得个大概就是说mental professional一些不足,然后举例了mental professional对墨西哥移民的一些研究上的不足作者: 葛佳 时间: 2010-7-12 23:35
4、说M 和N 是两个数集,他们各自的数的个数为m and n 个。求n=? 1)7m=8n 2)M and N 的intersection 为 0.4m