
标题: Typical Consulting Schools? [打印本页]

作者: whereisdream    时间: 2010-7-10 02:22
标题: Typical Consulting Schools?
would like to open a discussion about consulting.
In searching of various official websites of US school concentrations, I found that some have set up specific area on consulting and win quite good a reputation in Consulting company recruiting while some others are good at other fields, like IB, quant ,etc.

You know searching all the main school websites and ralted post in BBS is necessary to demostrate the applicant's will to get in but it is also low of effiency in the other way.
So, can we discuss in general which schools can post a positive impact on consulting industry ?
MY conclusion: Cornell(General Mgt,Consutling) ,Insead(Consulting focused, but not in US) ,UCLA(good at consulting , but not a typical consulting school)
Don't know whether my finds are tie to the reality, thanks for every advice  thank you  !
作者: ChinaRepresent    时间: 2010-7-10 03:30
If I remember correctly, Kellogg is extremely strong at consulting. Columbia is very good too.
作者: nikitism    时间: 2010-7-10 11:42

作者: YaleYoung    时间: 2010-7-10 15:14
从学校方面看,可以找employment report里面去Mck/Bain/BCG的人数(最好是计算比例,300人的program和100program同去10人,概念是不同的)

从公司方面看,可以去Mck/Bain/BCG官网看,能有独立的campus recruiting页面的学校都还可以.可以看看他们的校园招聘计划,能去on campus recruiting的都算在school list里面,通过简历关的概率都挺高.剩下的就看你的case能力了.

基本上, M7+INSEAD+Tuck+Ross+Duke+Darden这些都是不错的
作者: whereisdream    时间: 2010-7-10 18:34
标题: Thank you, nikitism !! your information is of great help for me !!:)
thanks so much for Nikitism's answer. !!
but is Comlubia putting more focus on quant??
作者: cornflake    时间: 2010-7-10 20:36
作者: nikitism    时间: 2010-7-10 23:24
CBS很强大, CONSULTING也不错, 不过这个学校的文化和资源配置是为finance, 如果是以consulting为职业目标,又是在美国读的话, kellogg比CBS更适合点, 我觉得, 都是很好的学校~~kellogg去年应该是有44%的毕业生做consulting,如果没记错的话,这个比例大大地高于其他学校
作者: kissforwind    时间: 2010-7-11 00:22
作者: tanht    时间: 2010-7-11 02:37

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