作文: financial gain is the most important factoe when choosing your career. to what extent do you agree or ....
argument: 一个HR写给公司CEO的report: 说他们做了一个study,表明 employees of not-for-profit organizations say they are motivated by what they have done to the society than those in the for-profit company. so ,we should donate part of our profit to humanitarian causes , then our workers are better moticvated and raise their productivity, thus the company will increase its profit. 作文都不是很难
verbal就悲剧了,基本上算没复习过,快考试了才知道prep语法破解版很有用。。。阅读也有两三篇是狗狗上的,有篇新文章,是说在某个地方,本来women是没有什么话语权的,但是她们可以XXX(貌似是祭祀类型的歌唱),因此她们可以通过歌唱(暂且这么理解吧,就是一种活动)来表达她们对于社会的一些看法,同时have some saying in the society and can influence the society,里面具体举了个例子,是说一个女人的儿子死了之后,她通过歌唱(暂且这么理解吧,就是一种活动)来表达自己对于儿子行为的看法,这些看法和官方的看法是不同的,这里有细节题,读懂应该就好吧