The automobile company announced that the average price of next year's models would decrease four-tenths of one percent, amounting to about $72, as compared with comparably equipped cars and trucks this year.
(A) The automobile company announced that the average price of next year's models would decrease four-tenths of one percent, amounting to about $72, as compared with comparably equipped cars and trucks this year.
(B) The automobile company announced that the average price of next year's cars and trucks would decrease four-tenths of one percent, or about $72, from that of comparably equipped models this year.
(C) The automobile company announced that there would be a decrease of four-tenths of one percent in next year's models' average price, or about $72, below this year's comparably equipped cars and trucks.
(D) Compared to comparably equipped models this year, the automobile company announced that the average price of next year's cars and trucks would decrease about $72, less by four-tenths of one percent.
(E)Contrasted with comparably equipped cars and trucks of this year, the automobile company announced that the average price of next year's models would decrease about $72, or four-tenths of one percent.
原来的题义说的是model降价,但 B说的是 trucks and cars降价..这样也能选?