
标题: GWD-7-17 (即GWD-TN-5-17) 无人问过B项。。B为什么错?? [打印本页]

作者: rx_11    时间: 2010-7-8 09:39
标题: GWD-7-17 (即GWD-TN-5-17) 无人问过B项。。B为什么错??
   Of patients over 65 years old who survived coronary bypass surgery—a procedure widely prescribed for people with heart disease—only 75 percent benefited from the surgery.  Thus it appears that for one in four such patients, the doctors who advised them to undergo this surgery, with its attendant risks and expense, were more interested in an opportunity to practice their skills and in their fee than in helping the patient.
   Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?

A.Many of the patients who receive coronary bypass surgery are less than 55 years old.

B.Possible benefits of coronary bypass surgery include both relief from troubling symptoms and prolongation of life.

C.Most of the patients in the survey decided to undergo coronary bypass surgery because they were advised that the surgery would reduce their risk of future heart attacks.

D.The patients over 65 years old who did not benefit from the coronary bypass surgery were as fully informed as those who did benefit from the surgery as to the risks of the surgery prior to undergoing it.

E.The patients who underwent coronary bypass surgery but who did not benefit from it were medically indistinguishable, prior to their surgery, from the patients who did benefit.


但是请问B为什么错了?既然这种手术可以有以下benefits: relief from troubling symptoms and prolongation of life.那不就说明了医生是想帮助病人的吗?所以不就WEAKEN了么?所以求教B选项为何错了?
作者: Luxe    时间: 2010-7-8 16:54
原题的逻辑是 因为手术成功率是75%,所以有25%的手术,医生是用来赚钱练手的。
这里隐含着一个前提,是医生能够区分 什么样的手术能成功。如果要waken,直接否定这个隐含的前提。
对于B选项 引入的内容说Possible benefits of coronary bypass surgery include both relief from troubling symptoms and prolongation of life。

作者: clumsyorange    时间: 2010-7-8 19:04
作者: Luxe    时间: 2010-7-8 19:54
D选项 里面也是隐含着 医生可以分辨出 谁能治好,谁治不好,如果D选项成立。
说明 有一些病人即使医生知道了他们做了手术没用,如果病人坚持,还是会给他们做,这样做手术又变成了,不是为治好病,而是为了赚钱或者练手艺
作者: charisyao    时间: 2010-8-18 23:01

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